Power Ranking: Michigan football future NFL draft potential

Where we envision the current crop of Wolverines to be drafted as of today if not much changes between now and next year.

6. Kwity Paye

Kwity Paye doesn’t seem to get the same kind of national accolades as some of his predecessors, but he’s a guy that Don Brown has frequently noted to be one of the very best players on the defense.

Paye opted to stay for one more season, which we felt was the right choice, given that he was likely to be a fifth-rounder or so. However, if he puts together another solid year, he has the definite potential to be a second day player in 2021.

Where we see him as of now?

Third-round, with the potential of moving into the second with a solid year.

NEXT: A junior skill player who is better than people give him credit for