Best golf apparel items for 2024 including polos, quarter zips, hoodies and more

Suit up for golf season with our list of best men’s golf apparel featuring brands like Nike, Peter Millar, Puma, Titleist and more.

It’s nearly March, which means one thing: it’s almost golf season.

Sure, there are plenty of people who live in warm climates, but folks from the snow-covered states are looking at the calendar and counting down the days until ranges and golf courses are back open.

To make sure you have all the apparel you need for the upcoming golf season, we’ve scoured the internet for some of out favorite apparel from brands like Nike, Peter Millar, TravisMathew, B. Draddy, johnnie-O and more.

If you’re interested in our other apparel lists, these are worth a look: 12 new golf bags. Also check out our modernize your style series with: POLOS | PANTS | OUTERWEAR

Check out these 12 new golf bags including Titleist, Callaway and more

Check out some of the newly released golf bags in 2024.

Winter is dragging on, but soon warm temperatures will return and it’ll be time to hit the range again and get the game tuned up for the 2024 golf season.

We want to make sure you have everything you need to play your best, so we’ve decided to put together a list of some of the best recently released golf bags out there. In this list, you’ll find brands like Nike, Titleist, Ping, G/FORE, Stitch Golf and more.

If you’re interested in our other apparel and equipment lists, these are worth a look: Modernize your style with these sweaters, hoodies, quarter-zips | Modernize your style with these polos.

Best new golf bags:

Winner’s Bag: Nick Taylor, 2024 WM Phoenix Open

Check out the clubs that got the job done at TPC Scottsdale.

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A complete list of the golf equipment Nick Taylor used to win the PGA Tour’s 2024 WM Phoenix Open:

DRIVER: Titleist TSi3 (10 degrees), with Fujikura Atmos Blue 6X shaft

FAIRWAY WOODS: Titleist TSi2 (15 degrees), with Fujikura Atmos Blue 7X shaft; TaylorMade SIM2 Max (18 degrees), with Mitsubishi Tensei AV 85 TX shaft

HYBRID: Titleist TSR2 (21 degrees), with Graphite Design Tour AD DI-Hybrid 95X shaft

IRONS: Titleist T200 (4), T100 (5-9), with True Temper Dynamic Gold S400 shafts

WEDGES: Titleist Vokey Design SM10 (46, 54, 58 degrees), with True Temper Dynamic Gold S400 shafts

PUTTER: TaylorMade Spider Tour Red

BALL: Titleist Pro V1x

GRIPS: Golf Pride Tour Velvet (full swing) / SuperStroke Pistol GT 1.0 (putter)

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Winner’s Bag: Wyndham Clark, AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am

A complete list of the golf equipment Wyndham Clark used to win the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

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A complete list of the golf equipment Wyndham Clark used to win the PGA Tour’s 2024 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am:

DRIVER: Titleist TSR3 (9 degrees), with Project X HZRDUS Smoke Green 60 6.5 shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Wyndham Clark’s driver” link=””]

FAIRWAY WOOD: TaylorMade Qi10 (15 degrees), with Project X HZRDUS Smoke RDX Black shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Wyndham Clark’s fairway wood” link=””]

IRONS: Mizuno Fli-Hi (3) with Mitsubishi Tensei AV Raw White 100HY X shaft, Titleist 620 CB (4-9), with True Temper Dynamic Gold X7 shafts

WEDGES: Titleist Vokey Design SM10 (46, 52, 56, 60), with True Temper Dynamic Gold S400 shafts

PUTTER: Odyssey Ai One Jailbird Cruiser

BALL: Titleist Pro V1x

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Wyndham Clark’s golf ball” link=””]

GRIPS:  Golf Pride Tour Velvet Cord / Superstroke Zenergy 1.0P  Claw 13” (putter)

Best golf sales in February 2024

Gear up for golf season without breaking the bank with our best golf sales in February

Although there’s still snow and chilly temperatures in some parts of the country, it’s never too early to start looking ahead to the 2024 golf season. Every amateur needs to make sure they have enough polos, pants, shorts, hats, clubs, balls and everything in between for when the warmer months start to arrive.

So, we thought it’d be a good idea to search the internet for the best golf sales for the month of February. And, thanks to our partners at Worldwide Golf Shops, we’ve done just that.

In this list, we have compiled a wide variety of apparel, equipment, accessories and more from brands like Titleist, TaylorMade, Callaway, Bushnell, Nike and more.

Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters (2024)

The Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters for 2024 have been reimagined to make alignment and aim easier, while also enhancing feel and sound.

Gear: Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters (2024)
Price: $$449 and $499 (Phantom 11 Long)
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel and 6061 aluminum chassis with steel/tungsten weights.
Available: March 29 (Phantom 5, 5.5, 5S, 7, 7.5, 9 and 9.5), May 17 (Phantom 11, 11.5 and new Phantom 11 Long)

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Who It’s For: Golfers who want a mallet that is easy to align and aim while still getting the sound and feel of Scotty Cameron’s milled blade putters.

The Skinny: The Phantom putters for 2024 have been subtly tweaked so the entire head acts like an alignment aid, while the dual-milled face design enhances sound and feel in each of the five different head shapes.

The Deep Dive: Golfers who compete on the PGA Tour, LPGA and DP World Tour have loved the look and feel of Scotty Cameron blade-style putters for years, but the popularity of mallets increased over time. Today, about half of the Scotty Cameron putters you will see “inside the ropes” are mallets. But while most players add a mallet to their bag for extra forgiveness, they still want to maximize feel, get a pleasing sound at impact and like what they see when they look down at the club.

That’s why, besides Newport, Newport 2 and other blade-style putters, Cameron offers several different mallets in the Phantom lineup, which has been updated for 2024.

While recreational golfers typically see mallet putters as clubs offering more forgiveness, tour players usually see their most appealing feature as something else. Yes, larger putters tend to resist twisting on off-center hits more than blades, and the Phantom putters offer a higher moment of inertia (MOI) than the Scotty Cameron Super Select blades, but elite golfers often prefer mallets because they can hold bigger, more effective alignment aids.

Cameron wanted to make that the most significant point of emphasis in the 2024 Phantom family and worked with his team to make each head work as an alignment system. 

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 11
The Scotty Cameron Phantom X 11 has an arrow alignment feature, along with angles on the chassis designed to help golfers focus on the target line. (Titleist)

For example, when golfers put a Phantom 11 putter down behind a ball, they see a pair of lines extending from the back of the head to the topline and forming an arrow. However, golfers may not even be aware that the topline edges in the heel and toe area have been angled inward toward the ball, while the back of the topline has also been angled toward the ball. The negative space between the wings in the back of the head also forms a second arrow. These features work together to aid a golfer in alignment, even if some of them are working subconsciously.

The Phantom 9 has two lines on the top, but while there is no arrow, the angles on the topline and the space between the wings in the back point the golfer’s eyes toward the ball and the target line.

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 5.5
The 202 stainless steel face of the Phantom X putters is duel milled to create a deeper sound and softer feel. (Titleist)

In addition to subtly modifying the putter shapes, Scotty Cameron and his team have updated the milling pattern in the hitting area. Each Phantom mallet still starts as a block of 303 stainless steel that is milled into shape, and 6061 aircraft-grade aluminum has been added in the soles to reduce weight in the center and increase the perimeter weighting, but now the Phantom putters have come with the same dual-milling face that debuted in 2023’s Super Select family

During the process, a milling machine passes over the face, makes deep cuts in the hitting area and removes ribbons of steel. Then, a second milling pass shaves the points off the hitting area created during the first milling pass, flattening them. The result is a face that creates the sound and feel of a deep-mill pattern but also puts more steel on the ball at impact to enhance a golfer’s sense of touch.

Finally, Cameron gave the 2024 Phantom putters a new rubber grip. For years, Scotty Cameron putters have come with very slender or pistol-style grips, but the Phantom putters come standard with a paddle-style grip that is flat on the top and features minimal taper. 

Below is a closer look at the 2024 Scotty Phantom 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12 putters.  

Titleist Vokey Design SM10 wedges

Titleist Vokey Design SM10 wedges come in six unique sole grinds.

Gear: Titleist Vokey Design SM10 wedges
Price: $189 each
Specs: Cast 8620 carbon steel stainless steel. Even lofts from 46 to 62 degrees, six sole grinds and three finishes.
Available: Pre-order, February 14; in stores, March 8

Who It’s For: Golfers who want to maximize spin and versatility around the green while enhancing feel.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

The Skinny: By changing the way its Spin Milled grooves are added to the face, varying the center of gravity location based on loft and offering six unique sole grinds, Titleist’s SM10 wedges aim to provide the ultimate in shortgame versatility and control.

The Deep Dive: Titleist’s Vokey Design SM9 wedges are the most-played wedges in professional golf, with seven of the top 10 male players on the Official World Golf Ranking using them. Last season, Vokey wedges were used to win the U.S. Amateur, U.S. Women’s Amateur, U.S. Open, British Open and could be found in the bags of 15 Ryder Cup players. 

That level of success at the elite level, combined with being the most-popular wedge at retail, means Titleist wedge guru Bob Vokey and his team needed to keep the things golfers liked about the SM9 as they worked to update it and develop its successor. With the release of the new Vokey SM10 wedges, the man they call “Voke” now feels he has a new wedge that can deliver even more spin, feel and control.

Vokey SM10 Wedge
In the address position, the SM10 shows a thin topline and just a hint of offset. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

In the address position, sharp-eyed golfers will see the SM10 wedges have less offset and a straighter leading edge, which is the result of feedback from tour players. The pitching and gap wedges (46-52 degrees) have a more-compact shape than the sand and lob wedges, which also feature a higher, more-rounded toe area. At the same time, all the SM10 wedges have the same blade length, which remains unchanged from the SM9. 

In the pitching and gap wedges, Titleist shortened the hosel length, which shifted more of the head’s overall weight toward the toe. The result is the faces should not rotate closed as easily in the SM10, so they don’t have a draw bias.

As in previous Vokey wedges, Titleist makes the grooves in pitching and gap wedges deep and narrow, like an iron’s groove, because those clubs are often played with a full swing from the fairway or fairway rough. However, the grooves in the sand and lob wedges are wider and shallower to get water, sand and debris off the face more efficiently on shots hit around the green.

Vokey SM10 Wedge
The size and shape of the grooves in the SM10 wedges vary by loft. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Titleist also adjusted how the grooves are milled and spaced in the hitting area. The key was developing a way to cut the grooves to a tighter tolerance. Now, after the hitting area is fly cut and made perfectly flat, Titleist cuts the grooves and a tiny portion of the flat area next to the grooves in a single pass. Then, a series of microgrooves are added between the main grooves. Finally, to keep the grooves sharp, Titleist heat treats each head to increase the hardness of the metal and the durability of the groove edges. The result is a more-consistently manufactured hitting area and sharper grooves closer to the USGA’s legal limits. According to Titleist’s data, the new TX9 grooves generate approximately 300 rpm more spin and help shots launch on a lower trajectory for enhanced control.

Since the release of the SM6 wedges in 2016, the center of gravity (CG) location in Vokey wedges gets progressively higher as lofts increase. While extra mass low in the stronger lofts helps them produce a ball flight that extends a player’s iron set, adding mass to a higher position behind the topline, in the higher-lofted clubs, pulls the CG location up and encourages a lower flight. 

Vokey SM10 Wedge
The SM10 wedges are available in several different sole grinds. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

While tricky lies, rough and sand can make it difficult to make solid contact, Titleist’s wedge team feels that the ideal hitting area is in the center of the face, between the second and fifth groove up from the leading edge. This region creates the most-piercing trajectory and the most spin, which should help golfers get the most control. To help golfers find that spot more often, Titleist offers the Vokey Design SM10 wedges in six sole grind options so players can work through the turf effectively.

F Grind – Available in lofts from 46 to 56 degrees, the F grind is a straight-sole option best suited for full-swing shots.  

M Grind – Available in lofts from 54 to 62 degrees, the M grind has material removed in both the heel and toe areas, making it an ideal choice for players who rotate the club open and closed through their swing and who tend to hit shallow, sweeping shots. The 54-degree M had been available as a limited-edition offering only.

S Grind – Available in lofts from 54 to 60 degrees, the S grind has a full sole with some material removed in the heel area. It has trailing-edge relief and is best suited for golfers who play in firm conditions and who like to hit the ball with a square face.  

D Grind – Available in lofts from 54 to 60 degrees, the D grind has heel, toe and trailing-edge relief. It has a thinner sole with high bounce, making it a good option for players who like to manipulate the club and open the face to hit a variety of shots in soft conditions.  

K Grind – Available in 58- and 60-degree versions, the K grind is the highest-bounce option in the SM9 lineup. It features the widest sole and significant camber, making it especially good in bunkers and thick rough.  

T Grind – Popular on the PGA Tour, this wedge will only be available in a 58- and 60-degree version and takes the place of the L grind as a low-bounce option in the SM10 family. It is designed to provide versatility for skilled players in tight, firm conditions. 

The Vokey SM190 wedges are available in Tour Chrome, Jet Black and a new finish, Nickel, which replaces Brushed Steel.

Below are several close-up images of the SM10 wedges.

Winner’s Bag: Nick Dunlap, the 2024 American Express

A complete list of the golf equipment Dunlap used to win the 2024 American Express.

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A complete list of the golf equipment Nick Dunlap used to win the PGA Tour’s 2024 The American Express:

DRIVER: TaylorMade Qi10 LS (9 degrees), with Project X HZRDUS Smoke Green 60 TX shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Pre-order Nick Dunlap’s new TaylorMade driver” link=””]

FAIRWAY WOOD: Ping G425 LST (14.5 degrees), with Mitsubishi Tensei AV Raw White 85 TX shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Nick Dunlap’s fairway wood – SAVE $90″ link=””]

IRONS: Srixon ZX Utility (3), with Project X HZRDUS Black 105 6.5 shaft, TaylorMade P•7MC (4-9), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100 shafts

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Nick Dunlap’s irons” link=”″]

WEDGES: TaylorMade MG3 (48 degrees), TaylorMade MG4 (52, 56, 60 degrees), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100 shafts

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Nick Dunlap’s wedges” link=””]

PUTTER: Odyssey O-Works #7 Tank

BALL: Titleist Pro V1

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Nick Dunlap’s golf ball” link=””]

GRIPS: Golf Pride Tour Velvet Cord

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Titleist AVX golf balls (2024)

The new AVX provides more greenside spin without sacrificing its low spin and soft feel.

Gear: Titleist AVX golf balls (2024)
Price: $49.99 per dozen
Specs: Three-piece, urethane-covered golf balls. Available in White and Yellow.
Available: January 24

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Who It’s For: Golfers who want a softer feel, lower flight and less spin than a Pro V1 without sacrificing greenside spin. 

The Skinny: The updated AVX has a new gradational core and a softer, thicker urethane cover to give it enhanced greenside spin, a lower flight and less spin with long irons.

The Deep Dive: With several premium golf balls in its portfolio, including the top-selling Pro V1 and Pro V1x (which do not change for 2024), Titleist designers and engineers were given very clear instructions when it came to developing an update to the AVX ball. The new alternative to the X and V ball needed to be longer from tee to green, but the bigger task was to make it feel softer while giving it more greenside spin. 

To achieve those goals in the new 2024 AVX, Titleist started by making the gradational core – which is extremely soft in the center and gets progressively firmer toward the perimeter – slightly smaller. The 2022 AVX also had a gradational core, but the firmness change in the 2024 ball is more substantial, making it more like a multi-core construction in a single-core ball.

Titleist AVX 2024
The Titleist AVX ball for 2024. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

A firm casing layer (which is the dark ring around the purple core in the photo above) covers the core. That firm material over the soft core is the key to effective energy transfer on wood and long-iron shots. The casing layer also helps to reduce spin when the ball is hit with a less-lofted, more-vertically-faced club like a driver, fairway wood or long iron. The result is more distance with lower spin off the tee and from the fairway with long clubs.

However, on short-iron shots and wedge shots, when the clubhead speed is lower and the impact is made with a more lofted club, the updated AVX’s softer urethane and thicker cover, which is on top of the firm casing layer, can easily be grabbed by the grooves to generate spin. The softer, thicker urethane cover also helps to make the AVX feel softer at impact, even though the ball’s overall compression (80) has not changed.

Knowing that Titleist wanted to keep the AVX’s playing relationship with its other balls about the same, designers knew they needed to give the 2024 AVX a low-spin dimple pattern, but they wanted it to be better than the pattern on the 2022 ball. Ultimately, they chose a quadrilateral dipyramid catenary design (say that five times fast!) that had previously been used in the two-piece, distance-oriented Tour Soft balls. On the 2024 AVX, the cover pattern makes it more stable in the wind. 

So where does AVX fit into the Titleist golf ball stable?

  • AVX spins less off the tee than Pro V1 and Pro V1x
  • AVX should have a lower launch angle than Pro V1 and Pro V1x.
  • AVX will feel softer at impact than Pro V1 and Pro V1x.
  • While the new AVX should generate more greenside spin than its predecessor, the Pro V1 and Pro V1x will spin more around the green and with short irons.

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Titleist TruFeel golf balls (2024)

Titleist updated the core and made the cover softer on its TruFeel balls for 2024.

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Gear: Titleist TruFeel golf balls (2024)
Price: $24.99 per dozen
Specs: Two-piece, ionomer-covered golf balls. Available in white, yellow (March) and matte red (May).
Available: Jan. 24

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more distance from a budget-friendly ball.

The Skinny: Titleist updated the core and made the cover softer and thicker on the latest version of the TruFeel to give players more distance off the tee and spin around the green from a ball that won’t break the bank.

The Deep Dive: Around the offices in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, Titleist golf ball engineers and designers have a saying: “A ball has to earn the script.” That script refers to the flowing Titleist logo.

Balls such as the Pro V1 and Pro V1x, which typically cost about $50 per dozen, do that by delivering elite levels of distance off the tee and spin around the green. However, Titleist balls sold at half that price still need to provide performance and be the best ball Titleist can offer in that lower price range.

The Titleist TruFeel made its debut in September 2019 and took the place of the DT TruSoft. It was updated in 2022 and now has been updated for 2024.

Titleist TruFeel golf balls
The Titleist TruFeel golf ball has a massive core. (Titleist)

The latest version of TruFeel has a newly formulated core that Titleist calls TruTouch. While it is slightly smaller than the core in the previous TruFeel ball, it still helps golfers generate more ball speed for good distance off the tee.

The benefit of going with a smaller core is it allowed Titleist to make the TruFlex cover, which is made from a blend of ionomer and softening polymers, slightly thicker. The softer cover can be grabbed by the grooves of wedges and short irons more easily, so the 2024 TruFeel should give players more greenside spin and control.

Finally, Titleist gave TruFeel an aerodynamic dimple pattern and cover design that helps it create a low, penetrating ball flight for people with moderate swing speeds. The cover design should also help golfers who typically generate excessive spin hit straighter, longer shots.