Best golf balls you can buy in 2024

Check out Golfweek’s list of the best golf balls available to purchase in 2024.

A decade ago, the sight of a non-white golf ball would raise a few eyebrows, but those days are long gone. TaylorMade, one of the largest golf ball makers in the world, predicts its non-white ball sales in 2024 – comprised of balls with stripes, special markings or customized logos – will eclipse traditional white ball sales for the first time.

Golf balls with corporate logos have been popular for decades, but tour pros like Rickie Fowler and Tommy Fleetwood compete in PGA Tour events, major championships and Ryder Cups using TaylorMade’s TP5 and TP5x Pix balls that have markings designed to aid in alignment and to reveal how purely you’ve hit your putt. Callaway’s Truvis balls, which are covered in pentagons, have been popular for several years and Srixon’s Divide balls are eye-catching in every weather condition and also help golfers perform better on the greens.

At the same time, manufacturers like Titleist, maker of the Pro V1, and Callaway, maker of the new Chrome Tour, have never made balls to a higher precisely, which means that from ball to ball, consistency is better than ever before.

With such a wide variety of balls on the market, ranging in price from about $22 to around $55 per dozen, finding a ball that matches your game and your budget can be tricky, but Golfweek’s 2024 Golf Ball Guide is here to help. Prioritize what you want from your golf ball (distance, short game spin, soft feel), and then think about a price range you are willing to pay. Keep in mind that if you go down in price, you will likely have to compromise something because the materials that make premium balls perform so well don’t come cheap.

Buy a three-ball sleeve of several different balls, go to the course and see how they perform on chip shots, pitch shots and short approach shots first, then see how they work for you with long irons and woods. The unique way you swing will make each ball play differently, but testing balls on the course will always be the best way to find your perfect golf ball.

Note: Golf balls are often released on two-year product cycles, which means updates are released every two years. For that reason, you will see several 2023 offerings alongside new 2024 putters.

Best golf balls in 2024

Titleist AVX golf balls (2024)

The new AVX provides more greenside spin without sacrificing its low spin and soft feel.

Gear: Titleist AVX golf balls (2024)
Price: $49.99 per dozen
Specs: Three-piece, urethane-covered golf balls. Available in White and Yellow.
Available: January 24

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Who It’s For: Golfers who want a softer feel, lower flight and less spin than a Pro V1 without sacrificing greenside spin. 

The Skinny: The updated AVX has a new gradational core and a softer, thicker urethane cover to give it enhanced greenside spin, a lower flight and less spin with long irons.

The Deep Dive: With several premium golf balls in its portfolio, including the top-selling Pro V1 and Pro V1x (which do not change for 2024), Titleist designers and engineers were given very clear instructions when it came to developing an update to the AVX ball. The new alternative to the X and V ball needed to be longer from tee to green, but the bigger task was to make it feel softer while giving it more greenside spin. 

To achieve those goals in the new 2024 AVX, Titleist started by making the gradational core – which is extremely soft in the center and gets progressively firmer toward the perimeter – slightly smaller. The 2022 AVX also had a gradational core, but the firmness change in the 2024 ball is more substantial, making it more like a multi-core construction in a single-core ball.

Titleist AVX 2024
The Titleist AVX ball for 2024. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

A firm casing layer (which is the dark ring around the purple core in the photo above) covers the core. That firm material over the soft core is the key to effective energy transfer on wood and long-iron shots. The casing layer also helps to reduce spin when the ball is hit with a less-lofted, more-vertically-faced club like a driver, fairway wood or long iron. The result is more distance with lower spin off the tee and from the fairway with long clubs.

However, on short-iron shots and wedge shots, when the clubhead speed is lower and the impact is made with a more lofted club, the updated AVX’s softer urethane and thicker cover, which is on top of the firm casing layer, can easily be grabbed by the grooves to generate spin. The softer, thicker urethane cover also helps to make the AVX feel softer at impact, even though the ball’s overall compression (80) has not changed.

Knowing that Titleist wanted to keep the AVX’s playing relationship with its other balls about the same, designers knew they needed to give the 2024 AVX a low-spin dimple pattern, but they wanted it to be better than the pattern on the 2022 ball. Ultimately, they chose a quadrilateral dipyramid catenary design (say that five times fast!) that had previously been used in the two-piece, distance-oriented Tour Soft balls. On the 2024 AVX, the cover pattern makes it more stable in the wind. 

So where does AVX fit into the Titleist golf ball stable?

  • AVX spins less off the tee than Pro V1 and Pro V1x
  • AVX should have a lower launch angle than Pro V1 and Pro V1x.
  • AVX will feel softer at impact than Pro V1 and Pro V1x.
  • While the new AVX should generate more greenside spin than its predecessor, the Pro V1 and Pro V1x will spin more around the green and with short irons.

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Titleist TruFeel golf balls (2024)

Titleist updated the core and made the cover softer on its TruFeel balls for 2024.

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Gear: Titleist TruFeel golf balls (2024)
Price: $24.99 per dozen
Specs: Two-piece, ionomer-covered golf balls. Available in white, yellow (March) and matte red (May).
Available: Jan. 24

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more distance from a budget-friendly ball.

The Skinny: Titleist updated the core and made the cover softer and thicker on the latest version of the TruFeel to give players more distance off the tee and spin around the green from a ball that won’t break the bank.

The Deep Dive: Around the offices in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, Titleist golf ball engineers and designers have a saying: “A ball has to earn the script.” That script refers to the flowing Titleist logo.

Balls such as the Pro V1 and Pro V1x, which typically cost about $50 per dozen, do that by delivering elite levels of distance off the tee and spin around the green. However, Titleist balls sold at half that price still need to provide performance and be the best ball Titleist can offer in that lower price range.

The Titleist TruFeel made its debut in September 2019 and took the place of the DT TruSoft. It was updated in 2022 and now has been updated for 2024.

Titleist TruFeel golf balls
The Titleist TruFeel golf ball has a massive core. (Titleist)

The latest version of TruFeel has a newly formulated core that Titleist calls TruTouch. While it is slightly smaller than the core in the previous TruFeel ball, it still helps golfers generate more ball speed for good distance off the tee.

The benefit of going with a smaller core is it allowed Titleist to make the TruFlex cover, which is made from a blend of ionomer and softening polymers, slightly thicker. The softer cover can be grabbed by the grooves of wedges and short irons more easily, so the 2024 TruFeel should give players more greenside spin and control.

Finally, Titleist gave TruFeel an aerodynamic dimple pattern and cover design that helps it create a low, penetrating ball flight for people with moderate swing speeds. The cover design should also help golfers who typically generate excessive spin hit straighter, longer shots. 

Best red, white and blue golf gear to celebrate July 4th

Celebrate America’s birthday with our list best red, white and blue golf equipment and apparel

Celebrate the 4th of July in style and showcase your love for the red, white and blue with a look that would make Uncle Sam jealous.

We’ve gathered some of the best styles from across the golf apparel landscape. From simple and classic to brash and loud, we’ve found something for everyone.

If you’re wanting to capitalize on some stellar sales, check out the list of July 4th sales to cash in on big savings. Be sure to check out our summer favorites to stock up on hats, shorts, polos, shoes and more to keep your wardrobe as fresh and clean as your short game all summer long!

Father’s Day Gift Guide: 13 great golf gifts for dad at PGA TOUR Superstore

Check out these 13 Father’s Day golf gifts from PGA TOUR Superstore

Father’s Day will be here before you know it so take the time to pick out a perfect gift for dad.

Whether your dad is a scratch golfer, a true beginner or somewhere in between, PGA TOUR Superstore has exactly what you need to make this Father’s Day one to remember.

Gift dad a big ticket item like a new driver, putter or set of irons. If you’re on a strict budget, PGA Tour Superstore has gift guides to keep you in line with gifts under $50 and $100.

Get dad something he’ll be excited to use! With thousands of pieces of golf equipment, apparel, accessories and more at PGA TOUR Superstore, you’re sure to find a gift dad will love.

Father’s Day Gift Guide: Best personalized golf gifts for dad

Nobody is quite like dad, so get him something personal…that he will actually use on the golf course.

Father’s Day is right around the corner which means it’s time to get your orders in if you want to gift dad a custom gift.

Believe it or not, the world of customizable golf gifts is much larger than just golf balls. We’ve found golf bags, accessories, apparel and more to help you knock your gift(s) out of the park this year.

If you’re looking for more, we’ve got you covered with a full Father’s Day list as well as our favorite golf shoes, polos, hats, sunglasses, and more. Looking to make a big ticket purchase? Check out our reviews of the Callaway Paradym, TaylorMade Stealth 2, the Titleist TSR line, and others to make sure you get dad a club he’ll love.

Father’s Day Gift Guide: Best golf gifts for dad in 2023

Get dad something he’ll love this Father’s Day.

Father’s Day is nearly here which means it’s time to start the hunt for the perfect gift for dad. Don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered.

Whether he’s a 30 handicap, a scratch golfer or somewhere in between, we’ve found gifts every dad will enjoy.

Apparel, equipment, accessories and more can be found on this list but be on the look out for more lists in the coming weeks which will have your gift list checked off in no time.

Don’t have time to wait? Check out our lists of some of our favorite golf shoes, golf shirts, drivers, golf bags and more.

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Golf equipment and accessories for mom

Give mom something she’ll actually use out on the course this Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching so it’s time to get mom the perfect gift to help her post low scores all season long.

Whether she’s a competitive player or just loves to go out and have fun with the family on the weekends, there are plenty of options here to get your mom her favorite gift of the year.

From top drivers to some of our favorite shoes, headcovers, jewelry and more, we have all of the bases covered for mom to spend more time on the course.

Be sure to check out our lists on other items like women’s golf shoes or 12 up-and-coming golf brands to watch in 2023.

Valentine’s Day: Best golf gifts for him

Find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for that special somebody in your life whose idea of a romantic day is playing 36.

Surprise! Valentine’s Day is almost here.

If you’re tired of giving flowers and chocolates, make sure your golfing partner is gifted something he’ll love and actually use.

From high-tech watches to polos to golf balls and more, we have everything covered so you can get your favorite golfer exactly what he wants or needs to make this Valentine’s Day one he’ll remember.

If your man is stocked up on all the latest gear and apparel, surprise him with one of the newest drivers or iron sets that are David Dusek-approved.

Fellas, don’t think we left you out. Head over to Averee’s list for the perfect Valentine’s Day golf gifts for her.

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Titleist Pro V1, Pro V1x (2023)

The 2023 Pro V1 and Pro V1x retain their greenside spin, and now each has a gradient core designed to help boost distance.

Gear: Titleist Pro V1, Pro V1x (2023)
Price: $54.99 per dozen
Specs: Three-piece construction with cast urethane cover (Pro V1); Four-piece, dual-core construction with cast urethane cover (Pro V1x)
Available: Jan. 25

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more distance off the tee and from the fairway with the maximum level of short-game spin.

The Skinny: The 2023 Pro V1 and Pro V1x retain their soft urethane covers and greenside spin, and now each has a high-gradient core designed to boost long-game distance.

The Deep Dive: Titleist ran the table in 2022 at the men’s majors, with Scottie Scheffler (Masters), Justin Thomas (PGA Championship), Matt Fitzpatrick (U.S. Open) and Cameron Smith (British Open) each winning with a Pro V1 or Pro V1x ball.

For 2023, Titleist is releasing updates to the Pro V1 and Pro V1x, the most-played golf balls on the PGA Tour, DP World Tour, LPGA, NCAA Championships and every major amateur championship. The Pro V1 remains a three-piece ball with a large core inside a casing layer covered with a 388-dimple cast thermostat cover. The Pro V1x remains a four-piece ball with a dual-core design inside the casing layer and a urethane cover. The most significant change to the balls is how the cores are designed.

For 2023 the Pro V1 and Pro V1x have a high-gradient core designed to be soft in the center and grow progressively firmer toward the perimeter.

2023 Titleist Pro V1, Pro V1x balls
The 2023 Titleist Pro V1 is a three-piece ball with a gradient core and urethane cover. (Courtesy of Titleist)

Titleist made the core of the Pro V1x Left Dash and 2021’s limited-release Pro V1 Left Dot with high-gradient core technology without calling attention to it. After listening to player feedback and tweaking the design, the brand decided to add it to the Pro V1 and Pro V1x this season.

Titleist said a large differential between the rigid outer portion of the core and the soft inner area produces less spin on long-game shots because it transfers more energy, more efficiently, to the inner portion of the core. 

In other words, the gradient core allows for more energy created by your swing to become forward thrust on long-iron, hybrid, fairway wood and driver shots instead of creating spin. However, because the soft cover of the Pro V1 and Pro V1x is easily pinched between the face of your wedge and the stiff casing layer, golfers can generate greenside spin on slower-swinging short-game shots.

Titleist Pro V1, Pro V1x golf balls
The four-piece Pro V1x feels firmer and creates more spin than the three-piece Pro V1. (Courtesy of Titleist)

In the dual-core Pro V1x, the inner core’s volume was increased 44 percent, and now it has a gradient core. The outer core, which is slightly thinner, was made marginally firmer.

In a higher-compression ball such as the Pro V1x, more spin is typically created with longer clubs, but using two cores creates a hardness gradient that allows for more speed. The new gradient core amplifies that effect, so the 2023 Pro V1x retains its firmer feel but can now deliver more speed.

While Titleist is not touting that the updated Pro V1 and Pro V1x feel softer because of the gradient cores, PGA Tour reps did hear that as a comment from some players during the seeding process in the fall.

In addition to providing more distance off the tee and with long clubs, Titleist said that in testing the 2023 Pro V1 and Pro V1x created tighter dispersion because overall spin is reduced, so the effect of hooks, slices and wind are diminished.

The relationship between the two balls has not changed with the update. The 2023 Pro V1x should fly slightly higher and generate slightly more spin than the Pro V1, while the Pro V1 will still feel softer.

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