The Ohio State hate for Michigan results in Dear Abby assistance

The Ohio State vs. Michigan football rivalry just hit a new level in pop-culture. The vitriol has now made an appearance in Dear Abby.

There are some things that you run across that you just shake your head at. Often times it’s of the absurd, and others because it’s in a universe that maybe others just won’t understand. I’ll let you decide what category this little nugget falls into.

Everyone knows the Dear Abby column in newspapers that’s been dishing out advice from those writing in for years. The advice seekers look for words of wisdom on relationships, money, jobs, and basically any other life circumstance that human beings try to keep between the guardrails.

Enter the Ohio State vs. Michigan rivalry into a Dear Abby column. Yes, it’s true. It has been described as the best rivalry in all of sports, so much so that it often pushes everything else to the back seat of the car known as life itself.

Well, would you know a disgruntled co-worker wrote into the Dear Abby column about an Ohio State fan that took the rivalry too far? Imagine that. I mean there aren’t any Buckeye fans out there that would do that are there?

Here’s the excerpt from the “problem” that needed solving in a Dear Abby column that appeared in a newspaper in southern California.

Dear Abby:

I have a co-worker with a troubling psychosis that has left me afraid to wear certain colors or say certain words around him. He has allowed a college football rivalry to impact his relationship with co-workers. I would really like to wear my maize and blue sweater but I’m fearful of his reaction. He’s from Ohio and negatively obsessed with Michigan. I understand rivalries, but when you won’t acknowledge another co-worker from that state and require all your co-workers to refer to Michigan as the “M-State” or you storm off in anger, there is an issue. What should I do? Should I recommend counseling?

– Afraid in New Mexico

I’ll pause to let the laughing cease.

Now, what do you think Abby wrote in response? Well, we have that for you, and we can tell you she must not be an Ohio State fan.

Dear Afraid: 

I agree your colleague may be off the deep end. You should not recommend counseling for this obsessive and immature individual, but someone in authority should. Depending on how large an employer your company is, discuss what has happened with human resources or your boss. This is a textbook example of bullying and creating a hostile work environment. Your clothing choices should not be dictated by a fellow employee.

Now, here at Buckeyes Wire, we do not condone bullying. Let’s be clear on that, and who knows how far this has all gone, or is going. But this just seems like every passionate male Ohio State fan out there.

These things are anonymous, but you have to wonder if there was a coaches convention or something in New Mexico recently where Jim Harbaugh and Ryan Day were in the same room together?

Yeah, unlikely I know.

Also, we need that co-worker that’s creating all this chaos to remember that you never even use the letter “M” when describing Michigan. It’s TTUN, or Xichigan.

If you want to see the column for yourself, here is a Tweet that @MVille_Buki showed the world.


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