CrossFit Foundation announces new school grants

Get fit.

CrossFit is expanding its fitness missions into more schools. The company announced plans to offer 50 $10,000 CrossFit Foundation School Fund Grants in the first half of 2024.

The CrossFit Foundation, CrossFit, LLC’s charitable arm, will facilitate the grants. Domestic and international schools will use the grants to form nonprofit CrossFit affiliates for students. CrossFit has already awarded 57 grants to K-12 schools since 2019 and has a total of 407 school affiliates currently operating.

“Change happens at a local level, and these grants are helping schools introduce the concept of fitness for a lifetime to one child at a time,” Don Faul, CEO of CrossFit, said in a statement. “As a result, kids across the world are developing a lifelong love of fitness, gaining confidence, and becoming part of a supportive community at a critical age.”

A person holding a kettlebell.

Athletic directors and educators run the CrossFit school affiliates. Some of them are already avid CrossFit members who want to share their zeal with the younger generation. The program has proved popular; some schools have long waiting lists for kids who want to swing kettlebells, jump on boxes, and spring into a few dozen burpees.

The CrossFit Foundation works with public school districts, individual schools, and teachers. It provides both training and equipment grants to set up gyms, plus ongoing support for teachers and administrators.

“We live in a contradictory moment where people are obsessed with health, but almost everything on tap from the mainstream is detrimental to health, in turn creating disease, disempowerment, and disconnection,” Nicole Carroll, CrossFit’s chief brand officer, said in a statement. “At a time when the world is in a physical, mental, and social health crisis, we want to empower the next generation to take on anything that comes their way, whether adversity or adventure.”

Interested in a CrossFit grant for a school near you? You can find more information about the CrossFit Foundation here.

Fitness with Averee: Quick and easy dynamic golf warm up

Heading to the tee with no warm up and straight to driver is a recipe for injury.

Heading to the tee with no warm up and straight to your driver is a recipe for injury.

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This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek and Bradley Borne from Lab 18 are in the gym demonstrating a quick and easy dynamic warm up that can be done anywhere with just a golf club. This exercise is great for extension and rotation.

Watch this episode of “Fitness with Averee” above and check here for previous episodes.

If you’re interested in instructional content, check here to see Averee out on the course.

Golfweek‘s Get Better newsletter covers everything instruction and fitness-related. Sign up for Get Better here.

5 weird pre- and post-workout drinks that some runners swear by

Fuel your run.

Every runner has their own routine. While tried-and-true training plans are a great starting place for beginners, every athlete is different and has unique methods that work best for them. This applies not only to workouts but also to the foods you choose to fuel your run.

As experienced runners probably know, there is a wide world of pre- and post-workout drinks out there. Typical components of these drinks include caffeine, creatine, electrolytes, vitamins, and protein. These beverages aim to power your runs, energize your workouts, and help you recoup afterward. Bottled brands may seem most popular when it comes to pre- and post-workout drinks, but they aren’t the only options. If you want to branch out and try wilder choices, check out this list of five weird drinks that some runners swear by.

Fitness with Averee: How to combat poor shoulder mobility and rotation

Shoulder mobility can play a big role in how you swing.

Whether it be your takeaway or follow through, shoulder mobility can play a big role in how you swing.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek and Bradley Borne from Lab 18, are in the gym demonstrating how to improve shoulder mobility and rotation. This exercise is great for golf because you are getting external and core rotation.

Watch this episode of “Fitness with Averee” above and check here for previous episodes.

If you’re interested in instructional content, check here to see Averee out on the course.

Golfweek‘s Get Better newsletter covers everything instruction and fitness-related. Sign up for Get Better here.

Track your daily run with these 3 websites and apps

Keep track of your runs.

Get the tools you need to perfect your running game, and never wonder “how far did I run?” again. With the right app or website, you can easily track your running distance, elevation gain, pace, and more. While you can find some of the best overall running apps here, let’s dive into some handy resources that focus on tracking and mapping your runs.

Tackle any terrain and mind your mileage with this list of the three best run tracking apps and websites. Find the right resource for you with this guide on everything from apps like Strava to sites like On The Go Map. When you’re ready, you can explore even more running tips here!

You’ll want to read this before training for your next half marathon

Train like a pro.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably just starting to prepare for a half marathon. Good for you! You’ve come to the right place. Before you begin your journey to tackle a half marathon, you’ll want to make a plan.

First, decide on your goal. Are you looking to build endurance so you can complete your first half marathon? Or, are you a seasoned runner looking for ways to optimize your marathon performance? Once you know what you’re aiming for, it’s time to develop a half marathon training plan. While there are countless options to choose from, prioritize plans that seem like they’ll suit your style. Not sure where to start? This collection of pointers will help you out.

A runner on a track with their arms raised above their head.

How long is a half marathon?

So, how many miles will you have to run? A half marathon is 13.1 miles. How does that stack up against races like 10Ks and 5Ks? First, let’s look at how long a half marathon is in kilometers. Those 13.1 miles translate to about 21 kilometers. Those Ks in 5K and 10K stand for kilometers. So, a 5K will be roughly 3.1 miles long, and a 10K is 6.2 miles long. Runners who are new to the racing scene may want to tackle a 5K or 10K before moving up to tackle the half marathon. After all, a half marathon is over four times as long as a 5K. This makes half marathons a great challenge for endurance runners.

Half marathon training plan options

Ready to commit to a half marathon training plan? Let’s look into some popular options that you can choose from.

Beginners may benefit from the Couch To Half Marathon Plan. This regimen builds on the Couch to 5K plan to prepare runners for longer distances. Plans like this will lead you through about 15 weeks of training.

Ready to move on from beginner-friendly resources? If so, try this Intermediate Half-Marathon Training Schedule from Verywell Fit. This plan assumes that you run 30-60 minutes a day at least four days a week and have run at least one half marathon before. Expect to spend about 12 weeks tackling this training plan.

The Hal Higdon half marathon plan

Runners who have scoured forums looking for recommended training schedules have probably heard about the Hal Higdon half marathon plan. Created by author and experienced runner Hal Higdon, this plan can work for all kinds of runners.

Start by picking from one of the seven schedule options, which include tailored tips for novices, intermediate runners, advanced runners, and walkers. All seven options will take you about 12 weeks to complete. The Novice 1 and Walker half marathon training plans are excellent choices for first-timers. Runners looking for something more intense can level up to one of the intermediate plans or the Advanced Half Marathon Training Program.

Beginners, this is your simple guide on how to start running

Start on the right foot.

So, you want to start running. Well, you’re in good company. Every day, people all over the world start running for all kinds of reasons. Some runners pick up the hobby for fun, others do it to improve their athletic performance, and yet more try it in a bid to incorporate more exercise into their routine. No matter what your reasons are, you’ll probably want some pointers on how to start running. Get your beginner running plan in order with this guide full of handy tips and helpful resources. Here’s what running coaches, Olympians, and doctors have to say on what you should know before you start running.

What are the real benefits of running?

Here’s what you should know.

Sometimes, runners can lose sight of their goals. Your daily jog may transform from a heart-pumping and meditative exercise into a tiring and mind-numbing slog. If it’s happened to you, don’t feel bad. It’s normal to get bored with routines, even if it’s an activity you usually love. If taking a small break doesn’t help reignite your love for running, maybe reminding yourself about the benefits of running will.

So, what do professional runners and medical experts have to say about running? This list draws on information from Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and more to deliver the facts. Here’s a round-up of all the perks you can look forward to if you run regularly.

5 essential, expert-recommended tips on how to run faster

Step it up!

The need for speed is one that runners of all experience levels can understand. As famed video game character Sonic the Hedgehog says, sometimes you just “gotta go fast.” But how can a runner get faster? What does it take to improve your speed?

If you want to learn how to run faster, you might look to the greats for inspiration. How do record-setters like Usain Bolt train? What tricks do people like Sha’Carri Richardson use to gain speed? Well, while numerous factors determine how fast a person can run, there are some expert-recommended tips you can follow to shave seconds off your mile time. Find some tried and true methods in the list below.

You should know this before starting a Couch to 5K plan

Get the facts.

Major life changes can be daunting. After all, they usually involve switching up the routines you’re comfortable and familiar with. While difficult, these changes can help you transform into a better version of yourself. If you’re determined to achieve your goals, you’ll probably start by forming a plan. Thankfully for beginners in the running world, there’s an established regimen out there to jump-start your journey. Even if you’ve never been much of a runner, you’ve probably heard about this training program before. It’s called the Couch to 5K (C25K) plan. Here’s what you should know about it, from what it entails to helpful resources.

Two people jogging as they run the Couch to 5k program.

The Couch to 5K plan

In 1996, amateur runner Josh Clark created the Couch to 5K plan. He formed the training regimen with his mother in mind. When Clark began his personal running journey, he found the process difficult, painful, and often boring. He didn’t want that to be the case for his mom. Enter C25K.

Sources such as the National Health Service describe the regimen as “a running plan for absolute beginners.” The plan runs for nine weeks and changes as you gain experience. At the start, you’ll run three times a week, alternating between jogging and walking. A day of rest comes after each workout day.

As Clark explains, the C25K design focuses on elements like eliminating pain, welcoming newcomers, and delivering early victories. “If you feel like you’re kicking ass from the start, you’ll be eager to continue. Otherwise, you’ll decide that you suck, the program sucks, or both,” Clark writes.

Couch to 5K apps and resources

Ready to start your C25K adventure? Great! There are tons of resources out there to guide you. If you want to keep things simple, check out the Couch to 5K app. It’s available on Android and iOS, helps track your runs, and features an easy-to-follow training plan. Not into apps? Try printing out the old-school C25K schedule here. While many websites offer their own take on this classic training program, these two resources are classics that beginners can prioritize to keep from feeling overwhelmed.

If these options aren’t for you, don’t despair. Alternatives to the Couch to 5K app include popular picks like Nike Run Club and the Zen Labs C25K app. Beginners can also find support and ask questions in Reddit’s C25K community.