10 takeaways from Bills’ Sean McDermott, post-draft

Buffalo Bills head coach Sean McDermott interview following the 2020 NFL Draft.

Bills cornerback E.J. Gaines. Credit: Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports

EJ Gaines wanted back in

So free agency… teams ask players to sign, right? Well sure, when the player is one of the top on the market. But apparently it can go the other way too. The Bills added EJ Gaines to their cornerback room in a bit of a surprising move this offseason since the team had already added Josh Norman and had Levi Wallace in the first place.

But per McDermott, Gaines actually had contacted the Bills to get back in the fold. Regardless of coach-speak and culture talk and all that, that’s still pretty cool.

“It’s neat when you have players that are available that reached out to us and are interested in coming back even though they’ve left. And so I think it really speaks volumes about our culture, our team, the guys, the people in our building,” McDermott said.