Michigan State Football given 100/1 odds to win Big Ten Championship

MSU Football has been given some of the worst odds to win the Big Ten Championship in 2020.

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One thing that seems to be fairly consistent about the offseason coverage of Michigan State Football heading into their first season under Mel Tucker seems to be the expectations surrounding the team in 2020. While Tucker has done a fine job of recruiting this offseason, the Spartans are expected to be situated at the bottom of the Big Ten. According to SuperBookUSA, Michigan State is a 100/1 underdog to win the 2020 Big Ten Championship.

Ohio State of course had the best odds at 2/5, with Penn State and Wisconsin tying for the second-best odds at 7/1. Michigan and Minnesota round out the top 5 at 16/1.

With the loss of numerous veterans like Brian Lewerke, Kenny Willekes, Raequan Williams, and Joe Bachie, along with losing two juniors in Josiah Scott and Cody White, Tucker will be taking over a team that is a little barren on talent heading into 2020, so this isn’t exactly a surprising projection by Las Vegas.

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WATCH: MSU Football WR CJ Hayes posts workout video 3 months after foot surgery

Apparently three months ago Michigan State wide receiver CJ Hayes had foot surgery but is now healthy.

CJ Hayes is heading into his redshirt junior year after tallying 14 catches for 154 yards over 19 career games in his time as a Michigan State Spartan, and it looks like he should now be 100% for the season. Apparently, Hayes was dealing with a foot injury, something that I actually wasn’t aware of, but he posted a video on Monday working out and announced that Monday marked 3 months since foot surgery.

We currently have Hayes projected to be a factor on the roster this year as a veteran contributor behind the likes of Jalen Nailor, Tre Mosley, and Jayden Reed, so it’s good to see that he is healthy and able to put in some offseason work.

You can watch the video below:

Hayes was an Academic All-Big Ten honoree in 2018 as a redshirt freshman.

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WATCH: Michigan State RB Connor Heyward offseason training video

MSU Football running back Connor Heyward has resurfaced on Twitter with an offseason workout video.

The last time we saw Michigan State Football running back Connor Heyward on Twitter, it was to announce his return to the Spartans. Heyward had originally left the team during last season to enter the transfer pool, but this offseason decided to return to the team that is now being led by new head coach Mel Tucker. On Monday, Heyward resurfaced on social media, posting an awesome training video that shows him putting in quite a bit of work.

You can watch the video below:

MSU fans will probably make note of the fact that about half of the video is spent with Heyward doing receiving drills. I wouldn’t read too much into this, but Heyward’s 2020 position has been a question mark this offseason. While new offensive coordinator Jay Johnson said that he expects Heyward to stay at running back, there are some fans who have speculated if he doesn’t have a potential future in a pass-catching role. As of right now there are seemingly at least two running backs ahead of Heyward on the depth chart, so whether he stays at running back or not, it’s probably good to distinguish himself by expanding his pass-catching game.

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Michigan State Football offers 2022 LB, three sport standout Stone Blanton

Michigan State has offered a talented three-sport athlete in LB Stone Blanton out of Madison-Ridgeland Academy.

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Stone Blanton is a three-sport standout at Madison-Ridgeland High School in Madison, Mississippi where he plays inside linebacker for the football team, pitches, and plays in the outfield for the baseball team, and is also a state high jump champion. While Blanton has already given some level of commitment to Mississippi State to play baseball, he has started to rack up football offers to some major programs, and Michigan State was the last to offer him a scholarship.

He announced the offer on Monday:

Given that Blanton won’t be graduating high school in 2022, there is still plenty up in the air regarding his recruitment. He currently has offers from Arkansas, Baylor, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Oregon, Tennessee, Nebraska, FAU and Jacksonville State and those offers could continue to roll in.

Here is a feature on Blanton from his local news outlet:

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Michigan State Football offers 2022 4-star OLB Jaron Willis

MSU Football has offered a 4-star outside linebacker out of Leesburg, Georgia.

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Michigan State’s new head football coach Mel Tucker will be looking to show that he can compete with the biggest teams in the country when it comes to recruiting, and that will mean having the ability to go down south and recruit top prospects. The Spartans are looking to do just that, as one of the top 2022 prospects in Georgia Jaron Willis announced that he has received an offer from MSU on Monday via Twitter.

Here is Willis’ announcement:

Willis, who comes out of Lee County High School in Leesburg, Georgia, doesn’t have a ranking yet from 247sports but Rivals has him listed as a 4-star. He currently has offers from Florida, Florida State, Ole Miss, Nebraska, Oklahoma State, Pitt, South Carolina, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

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Michigan State Football offers 2022 3-star RB Ali Wells out of Saint Louis

Michigan State Football has not stopped recruiting throughout this pandemic for a single day. They sent out multiple offers on Sunday, one of which went to 2022 3-star running back Ali Wells out of Lutheran North High School in Saint Louis, …

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Michigan State Football has not stopped recruiting throughout this pandemic for a single day. They sent out multiple offers on Sunday, one of which went to 2022 3-star running back Ali Wells out of Lutheran North High School in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Wells is the No. 7 ranked player in Missouri according to the 247sports rankings and the No. 36 ranked running back in the 2022 class.

Wells has offers out right now from a number of different programs including Florida State, Illinois, Iowa, Iowa State, Minnesota, Missouri, Purdue, Nebraska, and Texas Tech.

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Michigan State Football offers No. 7 2022 prospect in Georgia DE Tyre West

Michigan State football has made an offer to a top 10 prospect in the 2022 recruiting class in Tyre West. Read more details here.

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Mel Tucker and the Michigan State football recruiting staff have done an excellent job with sending out 2022 offers. Now, the Spartans have made an offer to the No. 2 Strong-Side Defensive End recruit in the 2022 recruiting class in Tyre West. West hails from Tifton, GA, where he plays for Tift County High School.

Tyre West stands at 6’3″ and weighs 260 pounds. According to 247Sports rankings, he is ranked as the No. 1 prospect in all of Georgia in the 2022 recruiting class. He is also ranked as the No. 7 recruit in the entire 2022 recruiting class.

You can check out some of Tyre West’s impressive highlights here.

West also has offers from Auburn, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, LSU, Nebraska, and Ole Miss.

Check out our tracker for the 2021 recruiting commitments for Michigan State Football here.

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NCAA President Mark Emmert says fall sports unlikely without students back on campuses

Mark Emmert discussed COVID-19 in Friday night interview with Andy Katz.

NCAA President Mark Emmert said it will be hard to have college sports back for the fall if campuses nationwide aren’t open to all students.

In a ranging interview with Andy Katz on the NCAA’s official Twitter feed, Emmert said that in conversations with school administrators across the country, there seems to be a consensus that student-athletes and regular students should be governed by the same set of rules when it comes to COVID-19.

“All of the commissioners and every president that I’ve talked to is in clear agreement: If you don’t have students on campus, you don’t have student-athletes on campus,” Emmert said. “If a school doesn’t reopen, then they’re not going to be playing sports… We gotta keep all students, the coaches, their staff and everybody around them safe.”

Emmert also discussed steps needed to be taken in order for campuses to open, the different standards for re-opening between different geographical regions and conferences, among many other things. Emmert mentioned the idea of relaxing regulation related to athletic schedules–such as playing the same opponent twice or playing all games within the conference–was something that could be fair game as some schools open earlier than others. That would suggest that the 2020 football season could be a nimble operation unlike any we’ve ever seen.

NCAA Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brian Hainline also joined the call to discuss specifics about ensuring athletes have enough time to prepare for their seasons and how that might be managed in different conferences across the country. He said multiple scenarios are being discussed on a minimum amount of time needed to prepare with four to six weeks as the most common guideline for football. Other fall sports may be require less time according to Hainline and Emmert.

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Michigan State Football offers 2022 3-star TE Gabe Burkle

Michigan State football has made yet another offer for the 2022 recruiting class. Today, an offer is made to 2022 3-star TE Gabe Burkle.

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Mel Tucker and his staff are landing 2021 recruits left and right while also working on offers to 2022 recruits. This time, 2022 3-star TE Gabe Burkle out of Cedar Rapids, IA, announced he has received a scholarship from the Spartans. Burkle currently plays both football and basketball for Prairie High School.

Gabe Burkle stands at 6’7″ and weighs 230 pounds. According to 247sports, he currently ranks as the No. 9 football prospect in all of Iowa in the 2022 recruiting class. Furthermore, he also ranks as the No. 29 TE in the entire country.

You can check out some of his football highlights here.

Stay with us on Spartans Wire for more coverage of Michigan State’s recruiting efforts for the 2021 and 2022 recruiting class.

View our recruiting tracker which features every commitment from the 2021 class here.

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2021 3-star WR Andrel Anthony Jr. out of East Lansing puts MSU Football in Top-10 for recruiting

One of MSU’s top targets for 2021, Andrel Anthony Jr. out of East Lansing, has placed Michigan State in his top-10 for recruiting.

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Michigan State Football and head coach Mel Tucker have made another significant step forward in the recruiting process for one of their top 2021 targets as Andrel Anthony Jr., 3-star wide receiver out of East Lansing High School, has placed the Spartans in his top-10 choices for his commitment.

While Anthony has identified his top-10 options, it looks like it is developing into a four way race between Michigan State, Michigan, Notre Dame, and Penn State as 247sports has all four listed as ‘Warm’ in the hunt for Anthony’s commitment.

Anthony is the top wide-out in the state of Michigan and 247sports has him as the No. 12 recruit in the state overall. He is also ranked as the No. 82 receiver in the 2021 class according to their composite rankings. They currently have him at a 67% chance to attend U of M and a 33% chance to attend MSU so this could develop into a major in-state recruiting battle.

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