Texas A&M should offer former South Carolina LB Stone Blanton

Texas A&M and head coach Mike Elko must offer former productive South Carolina linebacker Stone Blanton.

Texas A&M head coach Mike Elko has utilized the transfer portal more in one month than former head coach Jimbo Fisher in his coaching career in College Station (TX). Already landing seven players through the portal, another productive defender has entered his name, and Elko needs to pick up the phone A.S.A.P.

On Saturday, former stand-out South Carolina linebacker Stone Blanton announced his departure after two seasons with the program, as the Mississippi native is looking for a new home and will receive plenty of offers to stay in the SEC. Receiving an offer from A&M as a three-star prospect in the 2021 recruiting class, Elko is more than familiar with Blanton’s ability during his time as A&M’s defensive coordinator from 2017-2021.

After an understandably slow first season, Blanton shot out of a cannon during the 2023 campaign, recording 52 tackles (31 solo tackles), one sack, one forced fumble, and an interception.

After the departure of star junior linebacker Edgerrin Cooper to the 2024 NFL Draft weighs on the starting rotation, freshman LB Taurean York has already shown his value in spades but needs more help as senior backer Chris Russell Jr. will also leave in 2024, leaving former Youngstown State LB Alex Howard as a potential starter opposite York.

Knowing Blanton’s versatile skillset, Elko needs more speed at the second level in coverage, with Texas and Oklahoma entering the SEC next season. With two years of experience, I can safely say Blanton would earn a starting spot as soon as fall camp.

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Michigan State Football offers 2022 LB, three sport standout Stone Blanton

Michigan State has offered a talented three-sport athlete in LB Stone Blanton out of Madison-Ridgeland Academy.

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Stone Blanton is a three-sport standout at Madison-Ridgeland High School in Madison, Mississippi where he plays inside linebacker for the football team, pitches, and plays in the outfield for the baseball team, and is also a state high jump champion. While Blanton has already given some level of commitment to Mississippi State to play baseball, he has started to rack up football offers to some major programs, and Michigan State was the last to offer him a scholarship.

He announced the offer on Monday:

Given that Blanton won’t be graduating high school in 2022, there is still plenty up in the air regarding his recruitment. He currently has offers from Arkansas, Baylor, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Oregon, Tennessee, Nebraska, FAU and Jacksonville State and those offers could continue to roll in.

Here is a feature on Blanton from his local news outlet:

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Tennessee football offers Mississippi State baseball commit

Tennessee football offers Mississippi State baseball commit.

Tennessee has offered Mississippi linebacker Stone Blanton to be a part of the 2022 recruiting class. One of the Vols’ best recruiters on staff, new linebackers coach Brian Niedermeyer, is listed as Blanton’s primary recruiter.

Although the Vols are on the board with a football offer, Blanton is currently committed to play baseball for SEC powerhouse Mississippi State.

Having not yet received a 247Sports Composite rating, Blanton is an athletic 6-foot-2, 219-pound inside linebacker for Madison-Ridgeland Academy in Madison, Miss.

Tennessee is Blanton’s first SEC football offer, along with Jacksonville State and Florida Atlantic. It is unclear whether Blanton is determined to play football or baseball in college, but he is just a high school sophomore and his recruitment is far from over.