Spartans Wire: What Michigan State fans are saying about Ohio State

We know how you feel about Ohio State, but what about the opponent? We spoke with Spartans Wire and got the MSU fan’s take on the game.

We now feel pretty good about Ohio State and Michigan State actually playing a football game this Saturday. All signs and communications are pointing to the Buckeyes being in good shape to travel to East Lansing despite a mild coronavirus outbreak.

And since we’re feeling pretty optimistic and giddy about seeing Ohio State back on the football field Saturday we decided to talk to our sister site, Spartans Wire, to get a feel of what Michigan State fans are saying about the matchup with the Buckeyes, and the OSU program in general.

It is pretty complimentary and we can at least revel in the fact that we share a common hatred for all things Maize and Blue.

But what did Andrew Brewster of Spartans Wire say? What do MSU fans think of the Buckeye program? Well, we’re glad you asked.

NEXT … A Spartan view on the Ohio State program