Would Alabama have won 2019 Iron Bowl with new instant replay rule?

 Could Alabama have won the 2019 Iron Bowl had the new instant replay rule had been in effect least season?

 Could Alabama have won the 2019 Iron Bowl had the new instant replay rule had been in effect last season? It’s an interesting question isn’t it? And it’s certainly one worth asking. Alabama lost to Auburn 48-45 in an epic showdown, just like every Iron Bowl seems to be. But, in this case, Auburn ended up winning by just three points. Three points they were given at the end of the first half. So, imagine if this new rule (which we are about to go over) had been in effect, maybe, just maybe, Alabama would have made it to the CFB Playoff after all. 

Steve Shaw who is the NCAA national coordinator of officials, shared how the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved a number of proposed college football rules changes for 2020, including the instant replay rule.

As Shaw explains, the rule now states that if the game clock expires at the end of a half and replay determines that there was time remaining, there must be at least three seconds remaining, when the ball should have been declared dead, to restore time to the clock. It’s also important to note that the clock should start on the referee’s signal after review.

All of this to say this: With the new rule, Auburn would not have gotten the opportunity to kick the field goal before halftime. 

As Shaw puts it, “It was a fairness perspective.” 

But in case you’re wondering if this rule was made because of that situation in the 2019 Iron Bowl, Shaw says no.

“We actually approved the rule a few years back. Right before our playing rules oversight panel met – that’s the group with the NCAA gets the final call to approve the rule changes or not – said it’s just a complicated rule, so we rescinded it. But, it stayed on as a discussion point.”

So let’s, for argument’s sake, say that Auburn didn’t get the field goal before halftime. The score would be 31-24 going into the half instead of 31-27. 

Would a 7 point lead make a difference for Alabama? Would the energy have been different? Would Jones have been more confident in the pocket? 

Would Auburn not have had a second half comeback?

Maybe Alabama would have played differently in the second half, won the Iron Bowl, and made it to the CFB Playoff. Or maybe, the game goes to overtime, Auburn has the momentum, and wins anyways.

Who knows.

These are all questions we will never have the answer to, but one thing is for certain, Auburn won’t ever be allowed that opportunity again in those same circumstances.

But, none of that matters now. Alabama is a better team for what they had to go through, and for what they endured. In one season, they lost the majority of their older players on defense to injuries, lost their star quarterback, and lost two games in the regular season. 

It’s how they finished the season that matters the most. They beat Michigan 35-16 in the Citrus Bowl, and are hungry, humbled, motivated. This team is on a  mission to prove that the dynasty isn’t anywhere near finished, regardless of what happened last season.

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