Watch the coolest game of basketball you’ll ever see

We need one of these in the break room.

At some point in life I hope to do something and look nearly as cool as these dudes playing basketball in their office gym.

Comedian Soufiane Bernoukh and his friends are playing basketball on a mini basketball hoop and it honestly looks way cooler than the real thing — somehow.

Dude is eurostepping, dunking and shooting no-look shots all over the place. And they’re all dropping. At first it’s pretty wild to look at, and then you just marvel at how absolutely cool he looks doing it.

And to top it all off they’ve even added NBA music and sound effects. This entire thing is just one big masterpiece.

We have to get this guy in the celebrity All-Star game when everything opens back up. Bruh was really getting buckets on dudes on a mini hoop. You absolutely love to see it.