The NBA’s best betting storylines at the All-Star Break

A resurgence from the Bulls and Cavs in the same year? Thank you, NBA.

We’re nearing the stretch run of the NBA calendar. Soon, legends will be made, and hearts will be broken–often at the same time.

But before we can reach the postseason and break down countless fun, intriguing matchups, everyone needs a little pause. An excellent breather to recuperate before complete chaos ensues. A short reprieve to understand what’s important before the greater NBA world has its collective Grand Eye focused on you and your successes and failures.

I’m referring, of course, to the All-Star Break, which is the unofficial signifier of the end of the NBA’s first half. Or, first two-thirds-ish? Something like that. You get the point.

Let’s reflect on the 66 percent of games that were and appreciate what “this league” gave us in storylines over the last four months.

All numbers courtesy of Tipico Sportsbook.