The best Forza Motorsport cars in each class

We’ve put together this list of the best cars in Forza Motorsport to help pick what’s right for you, with recommendations in every class

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Picking the best Forza Motorsport cars makes the difference between leading the pack in the racing game and getting left in the dust. Finding which car is right for you – or for a specific situation – isn’t so easy, though. Forza Motorsport throws dozens of cars at you from the start – top-class cars, cars with smooth handling, super fast rides, and numerous other combinations of adjectives and synonyms for “car.” There’s a lot to consider in the Xbox game, including how many credits you feel like throwing out for a new set of wheels.

We’ve put together this list of the best cars in Forza Motorsport to help give you an idea of how to pick what’s right for you, with a few recommendations in every class.