Takeaways from Bills’ Brandon Beane at start of training camp

Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane’s start of training camp press conference 2020.

Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane. (AP Photo/Adrian Kraus)

Sending the kids home

Last week it was reported that the Bills had to send players home because of a few positive tests for COVID-19. Rookies were slated to have meetings at that time, but due to safety concerns, the club made that decision to do them virtually.

In regard to doing so, Beane had an interesting thought and a good one. The GM said this is only the first time they’ve done this, and it might not be the last. This shows how serious the Bills are in regard to keeping their players safe.

“Something like that, we were just trying to be smart and make sure we had our arms around it. This is something we’re learning every day, as you see across the country, and we’re no different,” Beane said. “There may be more day where we say, ‘Hey, we’ve got a couples, two or three guys popped up, they’ve been around another 10 to 20 guys, let’s just send everybody home, let around round of tests come in and let’s make sure we’re good.”