Kirk Cousins asked Twitter what Disney movies he should watch with his kids, so we gave him 10

Kirk Cousins and his family have been on a Disney movie binge recently, and he asked for recommendations. Here are 10 Disney films the Cousins family should watch next

One of the great things about the offseason is that the players get a chance to relax a little bit and just be regular people for a minute. They don’t have to constantly be “on” and in the public eye, and can just kick back with their family and enjoy some good, old-fashioned quality time.

Minnesota Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins and his family has been taking full advantage of that quality time recently, as Cousins let us know on Twitter. Cousins tweeted out that he and his children have been enjoying Disney movies, having just wrapped up watching Ratatouille and Emperor’s New Groove.

He then asked the audience for their recommendations. The Disney back catalogue is immense, and one could spend all day listing off some of the greats from Disney’s hey-day (or rather, hey-days; they have had several ‘golden eras’). Everyone is going to have their favorites, of course, and these are the 10 Disney movies I would recommend for the Cousins’ family to hit up next.

For the purposes of this list, I am going to assume that Cousins and family have already seen the really big Disney animated films, such as Lion King, Toy Story, Frozen, etc.

10 players trending up so far at Packers training camp

All the players trending in the right direction at this point in Packers training camp.

The Green Bay Packers will kick off the preseason schedule on Friday in San Francisco. After two weeks of training camp practice, it’s time for Matt LaFleur’s team to hit players wearing different helmets and uniforms.

Some players on the 90-man roster used the first dozen or so practices to elevate their stock, whether it’s positioning themselves for a bigger role, a starting job or getting off the roster bubble.

The crew here at Packers Wire put together a list of players trending up during Packers training camp so far:

Five players that need to step up in 2020

If these players can take a step up, Texas is going to be sitting well next season. Here are five players that need to step up in 2020.

The win over Utah in the Alamo Bowl was a great way to end a rather lackluster 2019 season. The minute that game was over, the focus was onto the 2020 season. Much like this time last year, there is a lot of hype and speculation as to what type of team will show out for the Longhorns next season.

While it will more than likely be better than the 7-5 season from this year, there is a lot of room for improvement to take that next step up. New offensive coordinator Mike Yurcich and new defensive coordinator Chris Ash should be able to bring that improvement, but when it comes down to it, the players must execute.

In a season that Texas will return a lot of talent, some of the same players that were critical in the 2019 season will need to continue to do what they are doing. Especially on the defensive side of the ball, where Texas struggled for most of the season. If these players can take a step up in 2020, the Longhorns are going to be sitting well next season.

Here are five players that need to step up in 2020: