Teen holds free basketball tutorials online

Ryan Ang, 16, is the youngest basketball trainer in New Jersey. He usually charges $25 per session but now that schools have closed, he’s offering free online basketball training sessions.

Ryan Ang, 16, is the youngest basketball trainer in New Jersey. He usually charges $25 per session but now that schools have closed, he’s offering free online basketball training sessions.

LeBron James is finally trying his hand at TikTok

Bron out here looking kind of wild.

TikTok has really taken over the internet since we’ve all been quarantined and isolated in our own homes.

People are trying their hand at all the wild TikTok dances that we’ve seen all the kids do over the last few months. The results have been…interesting so far. Either you eat it up or you end up looking absolutely ridiculous and old. There’s no in between.

I’m still trying to figure out where LeBron James falls in all of this. It seems that, in this time of extreme boredom, he’s finally jumping all in on TikTok.

Last night — wait, no, this morning? — he tweeted that his kids had him looking like a fool doing these dances.

To be honest, upon seeing the results, it is hard to disagree with Bron here. He looks absolutely ridiculous.

Though, I do have to say, this is his best TikTok performance yet. The joint he did earlier in March with the rest of the family? That was not it.

This is good! He’s getting better. It’s only a matter of time before James makes his own TikTok account and we get some extreme dance videos from the Lakers’ superstar.

Until then, just keep hi-jacking Bronny and Bryce’s accounts, Bron.  It’s for the best.

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Caution: Stay away from ‘celebrity’ fisherman

Since catching a state-record carp, Brenden Burnham has become a celebrity, prompting unusual but understandable action to keep people away.

Since catching a state-record carp at Virginia Lake in Reno, Nev., Brenden Burnham has become somewhat of a celebrity at the urban lake, which sees plenty of people strolling around its shoreline.

Not surprisingly, word spread among the locals about Burnham’s catch of a whopping 35-pound, 3-ounce carp, prompting the curious to walk right up to Burnham to chat about his catch.

Ordinarily that wouldn’t be a problem. But these are different times, what with the coronavirus.

So Burnham, 41, was prompted to put up yellow caution tape around his fishing spot to force people to remain at a safe distance when approaching him.

“I feel this could be a good way to encourage social distancing while being able to still do the things we love,” Burnham told USA Today/For The Win Outdoors.

Nevada has a stay-at-home order, but people are still allowed to get outdoors to hike, bike and fish—but at safe distances from others.

Also on FTW Outdoors: Watch an ice fisherman pull 50-pound fish through tiny hole

Burnham fishes at Virginia Lake about five days a week, and over the course of a three or four-hour session, upwards of 20 people will stop to chat. Some stop to question Burnham about his rod pod and the alarms rigged to them. It’s very European.

“I had been trying for the state record and my good friends knew this,” Burnham told For The Win Outdoors recently. “Just three days before I had caught five carp out of this lake which has never happened – I don’t believe – for anyone. The weights were 14 pounds, 17 pounds, 27 pounds, 29 pounds and finally 30.5 pounds. I knew the potential for the state record was there and, well, the rest is history.”

And please note, any future catches Burnham makes can be enjoyed by onlookers from a distance.

Photos of carp catch and fishing spot are courtesy of Brenden Burnham and David Strege, respectively.

Follow David Strege and the outdoors on Facebook.

Warren Sapp sounds off on people not practicing social distancing

Tampa Bay Buccaneers great Warren Sapp was none too pleased to see people not practicing social distancing.

It’s a strange time for all of us as the world deals with the effects of the coronavirus. Sports has come to a halt, as has much of daily life for many people. One of the best ways to ensure health and safety right now is to practice social distancing.

In many stores, you’ll find signs instructing people to keep a safe distance from each other, especially around the checkout line. Should be easy enough to understand, right? Well, apparently not.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Hall of Famer Warren Sapp took to his Instagram the other day to sound off on those not taking things seriously. Take a look.

If stores can’t get people to practice social distancing, maybe they can get Sapp to come in and put them in line. Literally.

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Stephen A. Smith is fed up and needs you to practice social distancing: ‘Come on y’all!’

Stephen A. Smith is tired of people still going outside.

By now, one would think, everyone should understand that social distancing is a necessary part of battling coronavirus and getting our normal lives back.

There have been all sorts of public announcements from health professionals, celebrities and everyone in between telling people to stay in the house. Have they gotten the message yet? Apparently not. At least not according to Stephen A. Smith.

And, y’all, he is absolutely fed up with all of it. He jumped on Twitter to let us know what time it was. What time is it, you ask? Time to listen to all of the medical experts and stay in the house.

Don’t make Stephen A. blow his vocal cords anymore, folks. Stay at home. It’s for the best.

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Pittsburgh doctor uses Bengals as example to explain social distancing

Poor, poor Bengals.

The poor Bengals, man. They’re the laughing stock of the NFL right now. They were the worst team in the league last year and it feels like absolutely nobody wants to play for them — not even potential number one pick Joe Burrow.

And, to throw a cherry on top, they’re being used as an analogy by doctors in Pittsburgh to convince people to keep social distancing.

Dr. John Williams of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center said that social distancing is working to help contain coronavirus for the time being, but that people have to keep it up if they want to make any kind of dent.

He used the Bengals to convince people to do that, according to CBS Pittsburgh.

“You know, when the Steelers are playing the Bengals in the divisional playoff and we have the Bengals down 21-7, that is not the time to let up. That is the time to keep blitzing every play. So, I think that’s where we are now. It’s just hard to know it will be time to start lessening restrictions.”

Ouch. That hurts. But, you know, he’s not wrong? We’ve got to keep the pressure on so we can finally go back outside again at some point. If this analogy convinces people of that? Cool.

It’s all for the greater good, right? Right. That’s all you need to tell yourselves, Bengals fans.

And hey! At least he had your team in the playoffs. That’s definitely a plus.

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Julius Peppers shares a public service announcement: ‘Stay home’

Julius Peppers doesn’t say much, so when he speaks you should listen.

Julius Peppers doesn’t say much, so when he speaks you should listen.

The now-retired former Panthers defensive end has a public service announcement for folks who either haven’t gotten the message or just don’t seem to understand: stay home. Here’s what he had to say on Twitter this morning about people who aren’t doing their part by social distancing.

North Carolina’s governor Roy Cooper issued a stay-at-home order for at least the next month. You can learn more here.

Peppers is now working as a special assistant for the Panthers on the business side. He has also done some very compelling work breaking down film for the official team website.

Peppers announced his retirement on Feb. 1, 2019, so he will be eligible for the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2024. He has a strong case. Peppers ranks fourth in sacks in league history, half a sack behind the great Kevin Greene.

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5 forgotten NFL classics you can watch for free on YouTube

Need some sports to watch? How about these classic NFL games that you probably haven’t seen before?

The Coronavirus pandemic hasn’t hit the NFL nearly as hard as it’s hit other sports leagues, but offseason football news can’t fully satisfy our demand for sports. And with no games going on to supplement that news, football fans are forced to improvise when finding ways to pass the time while social distancing.

NFL Game Pass is free at the moment, which means you can watch any game since 2009. But if you want to go a little more old school — or just don’t feel like signing up for the streaming service — the NFL’s YouTube channel has a big library of full games.

All of the classic NFL games are in there. You can find the Patriots’ 28-3 comeback in there. You can find “The Catch” in there, as well. But if you’re looking for a little suspense, this is the list for you. These aren’t famous results, so there’s a good chance you don’t already know the final score. I also avoided games with spoilers in the title of the video.

1. Jets vs. Browns, 1987

Yes, there was a time when the Jets and Browns played meaningful football games. Wild, I know.

2. Chiefs v. Broncos, 1994

If you’re a more hardcore NFL fan — or at least an older one — you probably know how this one ends. For the rest of you, this is a good one featuring two of the best quarterbacks in NFL history.

3. Ravens vs. Titans, 2003

Can I interest you in some Kyle Boller action? No? Well, Steve McNair, Ray Lewis and Ed Reed are here too.

4. 49ers vs. Bills, 1993

Two of the NFL’s best teams. Two of the NFL’s best quarterbacks. And a lot of points. Just hit play already.

5. Bills v. Browns, 1989

There’s a decent chance the Bills and Browns will be playing in next year’s playoffs. Prepare your brain for that possibility by watching them square off with a trip to the AFC title game on the line.

Some more games to watch

These ones have spoilers in the titles, but they’re worth watching nonetheless.

One of the greatest Super Bowls ever played…


Double overtime!


Barry Sanders is always fun

One of the most entertaining games you’ll ever watch

The NFL’s most talented QB v. its best defense

Stay home and wash your hands!

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5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Home With Your Kids

5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
at Home With Your Kids.
With most St. Patrick’s Day events canceled in favor
of social distancing, celebrating the March holiday
with your family may seem challenging.
Here are five ways to entertain your kids and
celebrate St. Patrick’s Day safely at home.
1. Whether it’s cutting out shamrocks
or making leprechaun hats, there are plenty
of fun St. Patrick’s Day crafts to do.
Search Pinterest or Facebook for fun
ideas and try to focus on activities that only
use supplies you already have in the house.
2. Prepare an Irish-inspired meal for your family, such as
potato soup, shepherd’s pie or corned beef and cabbage.
Make the whole process a family activity by
letting your kids help out in the kitchen.
3. Although most libraries are closed, e-books are
still available, making it easy to find a St. Patrick’s
Day themed book to read with your kids.
4. Listen to Irish music together and make it
even more fun by trying to learn an Irish dance.
There are plenty of songs to be found online,
and dancing around with your kids can be a good
way to exercise and a good distraction.
5. Baking St. Patrick’s Day treats
together is a fun, family activity.
It can even be as simple as adding green food coloring
or green sprinkles to your favorite cupcake recipe

5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
at Home With Your Kids.
With most St. Patrick’s Day events canceled in favor
of social distancing, celebrating the March holiday
with your family may seem challenging.
Here are five ways to entertain your kids and
celebrate St. Patrick’s Day safely at home.
1. Whether it’s cutting out shamrocks
or making leprechaun hats, there are plenty
of fun St. Patrick’s Day crafts to do.
Search Pinterest or Facebook for fun
ideas and try to focus on activities that only
use supplies you already have in the house.
2. Prepare an Irish-inspired meal for your family, such as
potato soup, shepherd’s pie or corned beef and cabbage.
Make the whole process a family activity by
letting your kids help out in the kitchen.
3. Although most libraries are closed, e-books are
still available, making it easy to find a St. Patrick’s
Day themed book to read with your kids.
4. Listen to Irish music together and make it
even more fun by trying to learn an Irish dance.
There are plenty of songs to be found online,
and dancing around with your kids can be a good
way to exercise and a good distraction.
5. Baking St. Patrick’s Day treats
together is a fun, family activity.
It can even be as simple as adding green food coloring
or green sprinkles to your favorite cupcake recipe

5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Home With Your Kids

5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
at Home With Your Kids.
With most St. Patrick’s Day events canceled in favor
of social distancing, celebrating the March holiday
with your family may seem challenging.
Here are five ways to entertain your kids and
celebrate St. Patrick’s Day safely at home.
1. Whether it’s cutting out shamrocks
or making leprechaun hats, there are plenty
of fun St. Patrick’s Day crafts to do.
Search Pinterest or Facebook for fun
ideas and try to focus on activities that only
use supplies you already have in the house.
2. Prepare an Irish-inspired meal for your family, such as
potato soup, shepherd’s pie or corned beef and cabbage.
Make the whole process a family activity by
letting your kids help out in the kitchen.
3. Although most libraries are closed, e-books are
still available, making it easy to find a St. Patrick’s
Day themed book to read with your kids.
4. Listen to Irish music together and make it
even more fun by trying to learn an Irish dance.
There are plenty of songs to be found online,
and dancing around with your kids can be a good
way to exercise and a good distraction.
5. Baking St. Patrick’s Day treats
together is a fun, family activity.
It can even be as simple as adding green food coloring
or green sprinkles to your favorite cupcake recipe

5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
at Home With Your Kids.
With most St. Patrick’s Day events canceled in favor
of social distancing, celebrating the March holiday
with your family may seem challenging.
Here are five ways to entertain your kids and
celebrate St. Patrick’s Day safely at home.
1. Whether it’s cutting out shamrocks
or making leprechaun hats, there are plenty
of fun St. Patrick’s Day crafts to do.
Search Pinterest or Facebook for fun
ideas and try to focus on activities that only
use supplies you already have in the house.
2. Prepare an Irish-inspired meal for your family, such as
potato soup, shepherd’s pie or corned beef and cabbage.
Make the whole process a family activity by
letting your kids help out in the kitchen.
3. Although most libraries are closed, e-books are
still available, making it easy to find a St. Patrick’s
Day themed book to read with your kids.
4. Listen to Irish music together and make it
even more fun by trying to learn an Irish dance.
There are plenty of songs to be found online,
and dancing around with your kids can be a good
way to exercise and a good distraction.
5. Baking St. Patrick’s Day treats
together is a fun, family activity.
It can even be as simple as adding green food coloring
or green sprinkles to your favorite cupcake recipe