Cleveland HiBore XL, HiBore XL Lite drivers 

Cleveland developed the HiBore XL’s unique shape using artificial intelligence.

Gear: Cleveland HiBore XL, HiBore XL Lite drivers
Price: $399.99 with Aldila Ascent shaft and Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360 grip
Specs: Titanium face and chassis with adjustable hosel
Available: Dec. 6 

Who it’s for: Mid- and higher-handicap golfers who want a blend of distance and forgiveness off the tee. 

What you should know: Cleveland used artificial intelligence to develop a triangular head shape that optimizes forgiveness, ball speed, and sound. 

The deep dive: In the late 2000s, Cleveland HiBore drivers were easy to spot at PGA Tour events for two reasons. First, stars like Vijay Singh and David Toms played them, and second, in a few cases, those HiBore drivers looked nothing like the other drivers. Several models featured a dramatic downward swoop in the crown that drastically lowered the center of gravity (CG) location at a time when carbon fiber was scarcer in golf equipment than golfers who weren’t intimidated by Tiger Woods. 

Over time, and with the introduction of new technologies and materials, the HiBore drivers’ look toned down, but now Cleveland is announcing the HiBore XL and HiBore XL Lite drivers and designing them for recreational players who want a blend of distance and forgiveness. 

Cleveland HiBore XL
The HiBore XL’s triangular shape was developed using artificial intelligence. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

While artificial intelligence has been used to create many drivers’ faces and hitting areas, Cleveland designers turned to A.I. to create a chassis shape that would create the ideal blend of forgiveness, distance and enhanced sound. So, instead of seeing a swooping crown, the first thing golfers will notice when they set the HiBore down is the triangular shape and extended back portion of the crown. 

The face and hitting area of the HiBore XL drivers are also 19 percent larger and look significantly taller. The variable-thickness MainFrame XL design and enlarged shape broaden the sweet spot and help golfers who struggle to consistently make center-face contact by protecting ball speed on mis-hits. 

Cleveland HiBore XL
The ActivWing technology stabilizes the head on the downswing. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

To help golfers make solid contact more often, Cleveland also added ActivWing, an aerodynamics-enhancing feature to the heel portion of the crown. ActivWing does not make the driver go faster on the downswing but instead acts like an airfoil and helps to keep the head more stable as it approaches the ball. The two notches in the crown make the air move around the head in a way that encourages the face to square through the hitting area, which should result in better performance. 

While ActivWing is not designed to help golfers swing the HiBore XL driver faster, the Action Mass CB shaft design might make the club feel lighter. With an 8-gram weight at the top of the shaft, it counterbalances the weight of the head, so with the same effort, the club should feel lighter. 

Cleveland HiBore XL
The Rebound Frame XL face is taller than most hitting areas. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The 12-gram weight in the back of the head helps to pull the CG down and back, away from the hitting area. The weight can be adjusted by custom fitters who want to change the club’s swing weight. 

For players who want even more clubhead speed or who battle a slice, the HiBore XL Lite features the same technology as the standard HiBore XL but is designed with a draw bias and comes standard with a lighter shaft and grip. It generates slightly more spin than the standard HiBore XL driver to help slower- and moderate-speed players create more carry distance. 

Both the HiBore XL and the HiBore XL Lite feature Cleveland’s new hosel sleeve that allows players and fitters to increase or decrease the loft by up to 1.5 degrees. 

Here are several close-up images of the Cleveland HiBore XL and HiBore XL Lite drivers:

Golfweek Gift Guide: Best golf equipment gift this holiday season

Whether you need a driver, a wedge, a putter or an entire new set of golf clubs, check out our golf equipment gift guide this holiday season.

The holiday season is a great opportunity to get the golfers in your life the equipment they’ve wanted all year. Drivers, iron sets, fairway woods, wedges and putters all make great gifts.

Luckily for you, we’ve done all the searching for you and have compiled some of our favorite equipment items from across the game into this holiday gift guide.

Some of the brands featured below are Ping, TaylorMade, Titleist, Callaway and Mizuno.

Keep your eyes open over the next handful of weeks as we release the rest of our 2024 golf holiday gift guides. You can find the ones that are live here.

Recently, we’ve released several fall-themed apparel lists that also include great gift ideas. If you’re looking to load up your wardrobe for fall, check out these fall apparel lists that we’ve already released: Best golf jackets | Best golf vests Best golf hoodies | Best long-sleeve polos | Best golf sweaters | Best golf quarter zips | Best fall golf apparel

Odyssey – Ai-ONE 24 S Putter

Odyssey Ai-ONE 24 S Putter
Odyssey Ai-ONE 24 S Putter (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $299.99

Why you’ll love it: Odyssey is one of the most popular putter brands on the PGA Tour, so when you get one for the golfer in your life you can be sure it’s a quality piece of equipment. This putter is one of the brand’s latest releases.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Odyssey Ai-ONE 24 S Putter” link=””]

Titleist – Vokey SM10 Wedge

Titleist Vokey SM10 Wedge
Titleist Vokey SM10 Wedge (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $189.99

Why you’ll love it: When it comes to wedges, it’s impossible to beat the quality of Vokey. These wedges are top-of-the-line and the jet-black finish looks incredible.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Titleist Vokey SM10 Wedge” link=””]

Callaway – Rogue ST Max D Fairway Wood

Callaway Rogue ST Max D Fairway Wood
Callaway Rogue ST Max D Fairway Wood (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $349.99 229.98

Why you’ll love it: This fairway wood from Callaway is designed to be easier to hit for amateur golfers, making it a great option from the fairway or off the tee.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Rogue ST Max D Fairway Wood” link=”″]

Cleveland – RTX Full-Face Tour Satin Wedge

Cleveland RTX Full-Face Tour Satin Wedge
Cleveland RTX Full-Face Tour Satin Wedge (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $159.99 $99.97

Why you’ll love it: When it comes to wedges, there aren’t many brands better than Cleveland. This wedge is available in 58 and 60 degrees at PGA TOUR Superstore.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cleveland RTX Full-Face Tour Satin Wedge” link=””]

Ping – G430 LST Driver

Ping G430 LST Driver
Ping G430 LST Driver (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $579.99 $399.98

Why you’ll love it: If the player you’re buying for wants to hit more fairways, this is the driver you should get them. Ping’s G430 LST Driver is one of the most forgiving on the market.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Ping G430 LST Driver” link=””]

Mizuno – JPX925 Hot Metal Pro Irons

Mizuno JPX925 Hot Metal Pro Irons
Mizuno JPX925 Hot Metal Pro Irons (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: From $1,049.99

Why you’ll love it: Mizuno is one of the game’s best iron makers, and this set is perfect for any amateur golfer. This set is one of PGA TOUR Superstore’s top gifts.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Mizuno JPX925 Hot Metal Pro Irons” link=””]

TaylorMade – P•UDI

TaylorMade P•UDI
TaylorMade P•UDI (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $249.99

Why you’ll love it: Driving irons are getting more and more popular in the game. They can be used off the tee and from the fairway, making them a versatile tool for all golfers. Plus, this is a great club to hit a Tiger-Woods stinger.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TaylorMade P•UDI” link=””]

L.A.B. – DF3 Custom Counter Balance Putter

L.A.B. DF3 Custom Counter Balance Putter
L.A.B. DF3 Custom Counter Balance Putter (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $619.99

Why you’ll love it: Counter-balance putters are becoming increasingly popular on the PGA Tour and in the YouTube golf space, so much so that PGA TOUR Superstore has labeled this putter one of its top gifts.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop L.A.B. DF3 Custom Counter Balance Putter” link=””]

TaylorMade – Stealth 2 Driver

TaylorMade Stealth 2 Driver
TaylorMade Stealth 2 Driver (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $349.98

Why you’ll love it: This may not be TaylorMade’s most recent driver, but it still performs as well as anything on the market. Plus, you can now grab it for a great price!

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TaylorMade Stealth 2 Driver” link=””]

Cobra – Aerojet Fairway Wood

Cobra Aerojet Fairway Wood
Cobra Aerojet Fairway Wood (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $329.99 $159.98

Why you’ll love it: This deal is too good to miss. Cobra’s Aerojet fairway wood would be a great addition to any amateur’s golf bag.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cobra Aerojet Fairway Wood” link=””]

Cleveland prototype wedges spotted at Shriners Children’s Open

Cleveland wedges labeled ‘RTZ’ were spotted at TPC Summerlin on the eve of the PGA Tour’s event in Las Vegas.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Equipment companies love to bring new gear to PGA Tour events in Las Vegas because it is close to many brands’ headquarters in Southern California and the weather is dependably good during the Shriners Children’s Open, making golf at TPC Summerlin akin to playing in a dome.

Cleveland Golf has brought some new wedges to this year’s event, referring to them simply as “CG Proto,” but the clubs appear to be labeled RTX Tour Rack.

The Cleveland RTX 6 ZipCore wedges were released in January 2023, and have been popular with many of the brand’s staff players, and with the company often updating its wedges on two-year product cycles, Cleveland appears to be introducing its next generation of wedges to tour players now.

Cleveland CG Proto Wedge
Cleveland CG Proto wedges at TPC Summerlin in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Historically, Tour Rack wedges from Cleveand have been made using raw steel instead of a chrome finish. Raw steel is preferred by many tour players because it reduces glare and, if special grind work is needed, the steel will rust evenly, along with the rest of the wedge head after being exposed to the air and to water. Grinding on a chrome wedge creates a raw area that will rust while the chrome portion of the club remains shiny.

Cleveland CG Proto Wedge
Cleveland CG Proto wedge at TPC Summerlin in Las Vegas, Nevada.

A close-up look at images of the toe of some of the wedges shows the words “Full” and “Mid,” which likely refers to the amount of bounce in the sole.

Cleveland has not released any official details about the CG Proto or RTZ wedges, but historically the company makes new equipment available in late January or February, after the PGA Merchandise Show concludes in mid-Janaury.

As more details become available, Golfweek will bring them to you.

2024-25 Cleveland Cavaliers: A quick preview

The Cleveland Cavaliers are quietly positioning themselves as dark horse championship contenders, with the potential to be a Top 4 team in the Eastern Conference this season. Donovan Mitchell’s contract extension removes any offseason uncertainty, …

The Cleveland Cavaliers are quietly positioning themselves as dark horse championship contenders, with the potential to be a Top 4 team in the Eastern Conference this season. Donovan Mitchell‘s contract extension removes any offseason uncertainty, securing the All-Star guard for at least the next three years. Now, the focus shifts to new head coach Kenny Atkinson, who inherits a talented roster returning with the same formidable starting five.

After a promising run last year, the Cavaliers are poised to aim higher. Anything less than a deep playoff run will be considered a disappointment. Mitchell, one of the elite guards in the league, is a dynamic scorer who can create his own shot, facilitate for his teammates, and attack the rim. His backcourt partner, Darius Garland, also dealt with injuries in the postseason, but when healthy, the duo forms one of the most potent backcourts in the NBA.

The Cavs’ starting five – Mitchell, Garland, Max Strus, Evan Mobley, and Jarrett Allen – ranks among the best in the league. While there may be concerns about depth, the combination of Mobley and Allen gives Cleveland a defensive edge, especially in the paint, where both excel as shot-blockers, averaging 1.4 and 1.1 blocks per game, respectively, last season. Mobley, only 22, continues to develop into a star, and his growth will be key to Cleveland’s success this season.

As the team looks to avoid the luxury tax (after re-signing Okoro), potential roster moves may involve cutting non-guaranteed contracts like Tristan Thompson or Sam Merrill. However, with the same roster largely intact, Atkinson’s coaching and Mobley’s continued development, particularly in improving floor spacing, will be the key factors in propelling the Cavaliers into serious championship contention.

Winner’s Bag: Hideki Matsuyama, FedEx St. Jude Championship

Matsuyama has won for a second time in 2024 and for the 10th time in his PGA Tour career.

A complete list of the golf equipment Hideki Matsuyama used to win the PGA Tour’s FedEx St. Jude Championship:

DRIVER: Srixon ZX5 Mk II LS (9.5 degrees), with Graphite Design Tour AD DI 8 TX shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Hideki Matsuyama’s driver” link=””]

FAIRWAY WOODS: TaylorMade Qi10 (15 degrees), with Graphite Design Tour AD DI 9 TX shaft, Cobra King RadSpeed Tour (17.5 degrees), with Graphite Design Tour AD DI 10 TX shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Hideki Matsuyama’s fairway wood” link=”″]

IRONS: Srixon Z-Forged II (4-9), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue S400 shafts

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Hideki Matsuyama’s irons” link=””]

WEDGES: Cleveland RTX 4 Forged prototype (48, 52, 56, 60 degrees), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue S400 shafts

PUTTER: Scotty Cameron Handcrafted Squareback Bullet Bottom prototype

BALL: Srixon Z-Star XV

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Hideki Matsuyama’s golf ball” link=””]

GRIPS: Iomic X

Steelers DT Cam Heyward seals the deal on not going to Cleveland

Cam Heyward wants to make sure everyone knows he is not going to Cleveland.

I think we all shuddered a bit when it was going around that Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cam Heyward was not only willing to accept that he might finish his career in another city but he’d be OK with going to Cleveland. I mean, really? Cleveland? We never wanted to believe it and thankfully Heyward cleared the air that he is not going to Cleveland.

Even better, Heyward is taking his quote, “Bro, I ain’t going to Cleveland” and putting it on a shirt to help raise money for The Heyward House. This is Heyward’s non-profit organization dedicated to helping a variety of causes related to the youth.

Heyward and the Steelers are currently trying to work out a contract extension this offseason. Heyward is coming off of a rough, injury-riddled 2023 campaign but he’s healthy now and wants to finish his career in Pittsburgh.

[lawrence-auto-related count=3]

Winners’ Bags: Shane Lowry and Rory McIlroy, 2024 Zurich Classic of New Orleans

All the gear Lowry and McIlroy used to win in the Big Easy.

A complete list of the golf equipment Shane Lowry and Rory McIlroy used to win the PGA Tour’s 2024 Zurich Classic:

Shane Lowry

DRIVER: Srixon ZX5 MkII (8.5 degrees), with Mitsubishi Diamana White D+ 70 TYX shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Shane Lowry’s driver” link=””]

FAIRWAY WOOD: TaylorMade M5 (19 degrees), with Graphite Design Tour AD DI-8 X shaft

IRONS: Srixon ZX Utility (3), ZX5 Mk II (4) with Nippon N.S. Pro Modus3 120 X shafts, ZX5 MkII (5), ZX7 Mk II (6-PW), with KBS Tour X shafts

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Shane Lowry’s irons” link=””]

WEDGES: Cleveland RTX6 (50, 54 degrees), RTX ZipCore Full Face (58 degrees), with KNS Tour Custom X shafts

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Shane Lowry’s wedges” link=”″]

PUTTER: TaylorMade Spider Tour Z

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Shane Lowry’s putter” link=””]

BALL: Srixon Z-Star XV

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Shane Lowry’s golf ball” link=””]

GRIPS: Golf Pride Tour Velvet (full swing) / SuperStroke Zenergy Pistol 1.0 (putter)

Rory McIlroy

DRIVER: TaylorMade Qi10 (9 degrees), with Fujikura Ventus Black 6X shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Rory McIlroy’s driver” link=””]

FAIRWAY WOODS: TaylorMade Qi10 (15 degrees), with Fujikura Ventus Black 8X shaft, (18 degrees), with Fujikura Ventus Black 9X shaft

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Rory McIlroy’s fairway wood” link=””]

IRONS: TaylorMade P Series Proto (4) TaylorMade RORS proto (5-9), with Project X 7.0 shafts 

WEDGES: TaylorMade MG4 (46, 50, 54 degrees), Titleist Vokey Design WedgeWorks (58 degrees bent to 59), with Project X 6.5 shafts 

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Rory McIlroy’s wedges” link=”″]

PUTTER: TaylorMade Spider Tour X

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Rory McIlroy’s putter” link=””]

BALL: TaylorMade TP5x

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Rory McIlroy’s golf ball” link=””]

GRIPS: Golf Pride New Decade Multicompound (full swing) / SuperStroke Zenergy Pistol Tour (putter)

Cleveland Launcher Halo XL fairway woods

These are built for consistency and distance.

Gear: Cleveland Launcher Halo XL fairway woods
Price: $249.99 each with Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue shaft and Lamkin Crossline 360 grip
Spec: Stainless steel head and face. Available as 3- (15 degrees), 5- (18 degrees), 7- (21 degrees) and 9-wood (24 degrees)

Who It’s For: Mid- and high-handicap golfers who want a forgiving fairway wood that also helps to provide more distance.

The Skinny: The Launcher Halo XL fairway woods are bigger than most fairway woods and have a lower profile to make them easy to hit, while the railed sole helps golfers increase consistency and avoid digging.

The Deep Dive: The Cleveland Launcher XL2 drivers are designed to be forgiving and help golfers generate more ball speed and distance off the tee, and the players who like that type of club are precisely who Cleveland is targeting with the Launcher Halo XL fairway woods.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cleveland Launcher Halo XL fairway wood” link=””]

Cleveland Halo XL fairway woods
The Halo XL fairways have a large, reassuring look. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Golfers who routinely shoot in the high 80s, 90s or low 100s tend to lack consistency with their long clubs, which is a problem because they often need fairway woods on long par 4s and nearly all par 5s. So, Cleveland made the Launcher Halo XL fairway woods bigger, with larger hitting areas from heel to toe while maintaining a lower profile. Standing over the ball, it’s a confidence-inspiring look.

Like the Launcher XL2 drivers, the Launcher Halo XL fairway woods have been designed with Rebound Frame, which adds a flexible region behind the rigid topline and seam where the face meets the chassis. The result is the whole hitting area flexes back at the moment of impact, broadening the sweet spot on the variable-thickness face and helping to protect ball speed on off-center hits.

Cleveland Halo XL fairway woods
Rails on the sole of the Halo XL fairways help them glide through and over the turf more easily. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Cleveland designers added a pair of rails on the bottom of each Launcher Halo XL fairway wood. They help the club slide through the turf more efficiently and maintain speed through the hitting zone, reducing the effects of ground-first contact and helping players get more distance.

The Launcher Halo XL fairway woods do not have an adjustable hosel system, but they are offered in four lofts ranging from a 15-degree 3-wood up to a 24-degree 9-wood, so players and fitters should be able to find the combination of clubs that logically fills distance gaps.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cleveland Launcher Halo XL fairway wood” link=””]

Maddy Westbeld makes watch list for Women’s College All-Star Game

Way to go, Maddy!

[autotag]Maddy Westbeld[/autotag] still will have college eligibility left after this season, but will she use it? That question has to be burning even more after the 6-foot-3 Notre Dame forward was named to the watch list for the Women’s College All-Star Game, a hotbed for future WNBA players.

Westbeld was one of about 60 players selected, but only 20 will get to participate in the April 6 event in Cleveland. Among the most prominent names on the list are Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, LSU’s Angel Reese and Virginia Tech’s Elizabeth Kitley. Westbeld and Kitley are two of 10 ACC players who made the list.

Westbeld is having a great season, averaging career highs in scoring (23.2) and rebounds (15.4). She might often be overlooked because of the phenomenal season [autotag]Hannah Hidalgo[/autotag] has had. But make no mistake about the fact that Westbeld is just as important, giving the Irish an imposing presence down low more than anyone else. She will be key in however this season turns out.

Contact/Follow us @IrishWireND on Twitter, and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Notre Dame news, notes, and opinions.

Follow Geoffrey on Twitter: @gfclark89

Cleveland RTX Full-Face 2 wedges

Cleveland RTX Full-Face 2 wedges combine versatility and spin to help golfers performance better around the greens.

Gear: Cleveland RTX Full-Face 2 wedges
Price: $179.99 each (Tour Satin) with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue Spinner shafts and Lamkin Crossline 360 grips; $199.99 (Tour Rack)
Specs: Cast stainless steel heads in even lofts from 50-60 degrees (and 64 degrees) in two sole grinds
Available: NOW

Who It’s For: Golfers who want versatility on open-face shots around the green.

The Skinny: The RTX Full-Face 2 wedges have a high-toe design and unique weighting system that combine with sharp grooves and surface-roughening treatments to give players the ability to generate more spin and hit a wider variety of shots around the green.

The Deep Dive: No company has more pedigree in the wedge category or offers more short-game options than Cleveland Golf. From wedges designed specifically for high-handicap golfers who struggle with chipping and bunker play to instruments designed for elite players like Brooks Koepka, Keegan Bradley and Hideki Matsuyama, Cleveland’s stable of wedges has it all.

For 2024, Cleveland is expanding its wedge lineup further with the release of the RTX Full-Face 2, which will be available in even lofts from 50 to 60 degrees, along with a 64-degree option, and these wedges are designed specifically for the most delicate shots players hit around the green.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cleveland RTX Full-Face 2 wedges” link=””]

Cleveland RTX Full-Face 2 wedges
The addition of ZipCore material in the hosel pulls the center of gravity into the middle of the hitting area. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

When faced with a flop shot over a bunker, an escape from thick rough or a tricky pitch shot from an awkward lie, golfers often open the face of their wedge and swing from out to in, clipping the ball up instead of hitting it solidly from a square stance. With that in mind, Cleveland developed the RTX Full-Face 2 wedges with a higher toe to create extra usable hitting area. Weight was also removed from the hosel area by engineering it with a lighter, low-density material. Cleveland calls it ZipCore, and by reducing the weight of the hosel and making the toe area higher, the ideal hitting area and center of gravity are pulled more into the center of the face for better performance. ZipCore is not new, but the RTX Full-Face 2 has 96 percent more ZipCore material than previously released ZipCore wedges, so the effect is magnified.

To help golfers generate more spin, Cleveland gave the RTX Full-Face 2 grooves over the entire hitting area, along with HydraZip. This new surface roughening treatment combines laser-milled lines between the main grooves and a blasting treatment to increase friction.

The gap wedges (50 and 52 degrees) are designed with an S-shaped sole that has 8 degrees of bounce, making them play more like an extension of a player’s irons and ideally suited for full-swing shots from the fairway and greenside chips. The sand wedges (54 and 56 degrees) have soles with the same shape, but they come standard with 10 degrees of bounce. Lob wedges (56, 60 and 64 degrees) have extra material removed from the heel and toe areas and feature a C-shaped sole that has 8 degrees of bounce.

In addition to the Tour Satin finish, Cleveland is making the RTX Full-Face 2 wedges available in a raw-steel version the company calls Tour Rack.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cleveland RTX Full-Face Tour Satin Wedge” link=”″]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cleveland RTX Full-Face Tour Rack Wedge” link=”″]