Las bromas sobre el extraño saludo de Scottie Pippen durante la celebración 75 de la NBA

El NBA All-Star Game de anoche fue todo un éxito, y no fue solo porque Steph Curry hizo cosas increíbles de camino a ser nombrado el MVP. La mejor parte de la noche fue cuando la NBA celebró el Equipo del 75 Aniversario al anunciar a los 75 mejores …

El NBA All-Star Game de anoche fue todo un éxito, y no fue solo porque Steph Curry hizo cosas increíbles de camino a ser nombrado el MVP.

La mejor parte de la noche fue cuando la NBA celebró el Equipo del 75 Aniversario al anunciar a los 75 mejores jugadores en la historia de la liga. Muchos de esos jugadores asistieron a la celebración, incluyendo Michael Jordan, quien tuvo un momento especial con LeBron James y quien estuvo molestando a Magic Johnson.

Para los jugadores que no pudieron asistir, la NBA los hizo hacer unas introducciones muy extrañas con una pantalla verde y en donde saludaban a los fans que no estaban alrededor suyo.

Y es por eso que tenemos esta extraña e incómoda aparición de Scottie Pippen.

Traducción: ¿Quién dirigió a los jugadores que no estaban ahí para decirles hacia dónde saludar? Esto es asombroso.


Pippen no fue el único que se vio muy extraño haciendo eso:

Pero los fans hicieron muchas bromas sobre Pippen.

Traducción: Yo en mi primer día como controlador de tráfico aéreo después de haber mentido en mi CV.


Traducción: Conectándote a una junta en Zoom en la que no sabes de qué se trata la junta y en la que no conoces a la mitad de los que están ahí.


Traducción: Ay Dios. Alguien por favor vea si Scottie Pippen está bien. O es el nuevo rey de Inglaterra o acaba de perder la vista.


Traducción: Si tan solo Pippen estuviera por ahí.


Artículo traducido por Ana Lucía Toledo

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Michael Jordan retó a Magic Johnson en el ‘backstage’ del All-Star Game y fue lo mejor

Ayer Michael Jordan tuvo un día muy ocupado: pasó de estar en el Daytona 500, donde el equipo del que es co-propietario quedó muy cerca de tener una victoria histórica, a estar en Cleveland, en el NBA All-Star Game, en el que formó parte de la …

Ayer Michael Jordan tuvo un día muy ocupado: pasó de estar en el Daytona 500, donde el equipo del que es co-propietario quedó muy cerca de tener una victoria histórica, a estar en Cleveland, en el NBA All-Star Game, en el que formó parte de la celebración del medio tiempo en la que se nombró al Equipo del 75 Aniversario de la NBA.

Todo pareció indicar que Jordan se divirtió mucho en los dos eventos, pero especialmente en el Juego de las Estrellas, donde compartió un momento genial con LeBron James.

Mientras estaban atrás del escenario, MJ también tuvo otro momento asombroso con un viejo amigo; las cámaras captaron el momento cuando el GOAT empieza a molestar a Magic Johnson. Todos sabemos que a Jordan le gusta molestar a los demás, así que esta conversación fue perfecta:

Traducción: ¡Michael Jordan, de 59 años, retó a Magic Johnson a un partido uno a uno en ese mismo momento!
La risa de Magic.


Clásico de Jordan.

A los fans de la NBA les encantó.

Traducción: Mike habla muy en serio.


Traducción: Michael, tienes que relajarte, hermano. Está retando a todos a los que se encontró sin ninguna razón. LMAO.


Traducción: Él seguirá siendo competitivo hasta su último aliento.


Traducción: Estoy 100% seguro de que no estaba bromeando.



Artículo publicado por Ana Lucía Toledo

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Los dos maravillosos tiros de 3 puntos que Steph Curry anotó sin ver durante el NBA All-Star Game

El NBA All-Star Game en Cleveland de anoche fue perfección pura. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver a LeBron James y a Michael Jordan compartir un momento especial. Nombraron al Equipo del 75 Aniversario en medio de una gran ceremonia. Ah, y también …

El NBA All-Star Game en Cleveland de anoche fue perfección pura.

Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver a LeBron James y a Michael Jordan compartir un momento especial.

Nombraron al Equipo del 75 Aniversario en medio de una gran ceremonia.

Ah, y también pudimos ver a Steph Curry en su mejor momento, algo que siempre es divertido. Pero lo que hizo anoche fue tan bueno: encestó 16 (¡!) tiros de tres puntos y terminó con 50 puntos, y poco después de que LeBron ganara el partido con un tiro con salto asombroso, nombraron a Curry como el MVP del partido.

¡DIECISÉIS tiros de 3 puntos!

Curry estaba que ardía, tanto que ni siquiera vio cuando dos de sus tiros de 3 puntos atravesaron el aro.

Es en serio.

Vean este tiro:



¡Por Dios!

Y este fue aún mejor porque vean su reacción:

Steph Curry (45 puntos, 15 tiros de tres puntos) está dominando el partido #NBAAllStar.


Traducción: 16 tiros de 3 puntos para Steph… y la reacción es igual de genial.


Una leyenda.

A los fans les encantó.

Traducción: Damas y caballeros, aquí tienen al mejor tirador de la historia con 16 tiros de 3 puntos.


Traducción 1: ¡¡¡Esto es una LOCURA!!! ¡¡¡¡AMO A ESTE HOMBRE!!!!
Traducción 2: Hice una interferencia tipo Telestration para explicar esta locura de Steph.


Traducción: Pasaron de abuchearlo a vitorearlo. ¡Steph Curry es uno de los mejores!


Artículo traducido por Ana Lucía Toledo

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Could this be the moment where the Giannis vs. Harden beef started?

The internet cracked the case again.

The Giannis Antetokounmpo and James Harden beef may have come to a head today, but it’s been a long time coming. All the signs were there and they were pretty obvious — it’s surprising we didn’t catch on sooner.

Before the All-Star game comments, before Harden got mad Giannis stole an MVP from him, before Giannis hilariously pulled off the most aggressive off-the-heezy move in the history of mankind on Harden’s head, there was this incident in 2014.

At the end of a Bucks vs. Rockets game where the Rockets were winning pretty handily, Antetokounmpo and Harden got tangled up and Harden was called for an offensive foul.

Giannis had some words for him and, uh, they didn’t look too kind. Plus he smacked the ball out of Harden’s hands like a six year old.

It looked like Harden was ready to go right then and there. Until Larry Sanders stepped in anyway.

Is this when the two future MVPs realized they just don’t like each other? Before all the MVP’s and All-Star appearances and everything else, there was this.

And we know James Harden is a member of “GIANNIS DON’T HAVE NO BAG” Twitter. We should’ve seen this coming, y’all. We should’ve known.

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Steph and Ayesha Curry approve of the new All-Star Game format

Ayesha Curry posted an Instagram story of her and Steph enjoying the new format in the 2020 All-Star Game.

The NBA took a bold, yet innovative approach to the 2020 All-Star Game. Each quarter of the game, the score reset. Between Team Giannis and Team Lebron, the winner of each period won $100,000 donated to the charity of their choice.

In the fourth and final quarter, there was no clock as the teams played to a total instead of time. The leading group, after three quarters, added 24 points to their score total, and that was the goal to end the game.

At the end of the third quarter in 2020, Team Giannis led 133-124, making the game-winning total 157. The final period turned into a pick-up style battle. Both teams traded blows with Team Lebron rallying back to seal the 157-156 win on an Anthony Davis free throw.

The format provided a higher level of intensity to the exhibition game, especially in the fourth quarter, stamping the change successful.
Yet, there was still something missing from the new version of the NBA All-Star Game.

For the first time in years, the Golden State Warriors did not have a member represented in the game. Both of Golden State’s perineal All-Stars, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson have combined to miss almost the entire 2019-20 season due to injury. However, even injured, Curry finished in the top-10 of Western Conference guard voting.

Although Curry wasn’t available to play in the new construction, the six-time NBA All-Star weighed in on the matter with excitement. Ayesha Curry posted an Instagram story with her husband watching the All-Star Game.

Both members of the Curry family approved of the new format of the game.

Curry is still recovering from his broken hand injury, but reports point towards a March return. If Curry can hit his return target, the Warriors will have around 20 games left this season with their two-time Most Valuable Player.

Once fully healthy next season, Curry will have the opportunity to participate in the new and entertaining All-Star Game setup.

Giannis Antetokounmpo says a healthy Steph Curry makes it ‘way tougher for the rest of the league’

At All-Star weekend in Chicago, Giannis Antetokounmpo spoke about the absence of Warriors’ guard Stephen Curry.

Something is missing during the Chicago edition of NBA All-Star weekend. The Golden State Warriors have seemingly dominated the NBA’s famed event over the past five seasons, but in 2020 things are different.

Whether it’s Kevin Durant earning All-Star game Most Valuable Player, or Klay Thompson winning the Three-Point Contest, members of the Warriors have headlined the NBA’s star-studded weekend.

Yet, in 2020, the only member of the Warriors in Chicago was Eric Paschall, who was invited to the Rising Stars Challenge.

The lack of the Golden State Warriors at All-Star weekend connects a more significant theme for their 2019-20 season — injuries. Stephen Curry has only played four games this season due to a broken hand, and still placed in the All-Star voting top-10. At the same time, Thompson hasn’t played yet this season as he recovers from the ACL injury he suffered in the 2019 NBA Finals.

Injuries to Curry and Thompson have pulled the Warriors from perennial title contenders down to the bottom of the Western Conference.

Without the Warriors —  the Milwaukee Bucks, Los Angeles Lakers, Denver Nuggets, Los Angeles Clippers and Toronto Raptors have catapulted to the top of the NBA standings.

Leading the Bucks is All-Star team captain Giannis Antetokounmpo. In Chicago, the 2019 Most Valuable Player spoke about the absence of Curry throughout the current NBA season.

Antetokounmpo told reporters at All-Star Game media day that players around the league are enjoying games with Curry out because of how difficult he makes things for his opponents.

Obviously, Steph Curry is an amazing talent, amazing player. The game is different without him, so we definitely — actually, let me be honest with you. The players, we kind of enjoy that he’s not playing — not enjoy that he’s hurt. We want him to be healthy, but he just makes it way, way tougher for the rest of the league, but I’m happy he’s going to be back healthy and happy that he’s going to be able to help his team win some games.

Reports have targeted March as Curry’s potential return from injury, giving him around 20 games to get back to making things tough on the rest of the NBA. Next season when Curry and Thompson both suit up healthy, the Warriors will restart their climb towards contention.

LeBron James on All-Star Weekend: ‘It’s a beautiful time, even in loss’

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James spoke to reporters on Saturday after arriving in Chicago for the All-Star festivities.

LeBron James continues to embrace the moment, even amid tragedy, as he made his arrival to the NBA All-Star Weekend in Chicago. This weekend will be a celebration of the game and also a celebration, and mourning, of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others who passed in a helicopter crash nearly three weeks ago. LeBron James was asked about what it was like to be here for All-Star, for his 16th appearance, and he said that even amid the tragedy, being in Chicago for the celebration of the game is still a beautiful privilege. James will move into No. 2 in All-Star Game appearance once Sunday tips-off.

James was the leading vote-getter for the third consecutive season this year and he is looking for his third straight All-Star Game victory for Team LeBron, who has never lost under the conference-less All-Star format. It will be interesting to see how LeBron’s All-Star Weekend unfolds, as is he continues to be a spokesman for the league during an unprecedented time of mourning in the game.

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Watch: Eric Paschall scores his first points in the 2020 Rising Stars Challenge

Eric Paschall is representing the Golden State Warriors strong at NBA All-Star weekend by scoring in the Rising Stars Challenge.

Over the past five seasons, NBA All-Star weekend has been a celebration for the Golden State Warriors. Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson lighting up the Three-Point Shootout, while Kevin Durant takes home Most Valuable Player during the All-Star Game.

In 2019-20 things are a bit different. With most of Golden State’s core dealing with injuries, the Warriors only have one representative at All-Star weekend in Chicago.

Although the Warriors don’t have strength in numbers in Chicago, Eric Paschall is representing the Golden State brand strong in the Rising Stars Challenge.

The rookie checked into the game off the bench in the first quarter and quickly scored a bucket driving the lane.

Paschall may not be the favorite to win the Rising Stars Challenge Most Valuable Player race. However, since being drafted in the second round of the 2019 draft, the Villanova product has been full of surprises at the NBA level.

Paschall’s been a proven scorer throughout his rookie season, averaging 13.2 points per game for the Golden State Warriors. The key to taking home MVP in an All-Star game is filling the stat sheet. For Paschall, getting on the board early is critical.

Does Eric Paschall have a chance at winning the 2020 Rising Stars Challenge MVP?

Can Warriors’ rookie Eric Paschall bring the Rising Stars Challenge MVP hardware back to the Bay Area?

With Golden State’s record sitting at the bottom of the Western Conference, there hasn’t been much to be proud of during the 2019-20 season for Warriors fans.

Stephen Curry’s return from injury, and how newly-acquired Andrew Wiggins fits in with the Warriors are exciting things to watch in the second half of the season, but leading up to the All-Star break, it’s been bleak.

However, one of the pleasant surprises in a down season filled with injury has been the opportunities opened up for players on the backend of the rotation.

Eric Paschall, the Warriors second-round pick in 2019, has evolved into one of Steve Kerr’s leading scorers. The Villanova product is averaging 13.2 points per game on 48.2 % from the field.

The rookie has thrived with opportunity, earning a spot in the 2020 NBA Rising Stars Challenge in Chicago.

Paschall’s numbers may have dipped from his Rookie of the Year caliber start, but he’s been surprising people all season long —  so why count him out as a contender for the game’s Most Valuable Player award?

Here’s a look at how Paschall can bring an MVP trophy from Chicago back to the Bay Area.

Veteran mindset

The Rising Stars Challenge is a display of the NBA’s youth, and while Paschall is still very young, he’ll be one of the oldest players on the floor Friday night in Chicago.

Paschall, 23, is only behind Miami Heat guard Kendrick Nunn and Charlotte Hornets’ guard Devonte’ Graham, who are both 24 from the original roster. Nicolo Melli, 29 from the New Orleans Pelicans, was added as a replacement for Phoenix center Deandre Ayton.

The Rising Stars Challenge is one game where Paschall will have an edge when it comes to experience. What Paschall learned during his junior and senior years at Villanova could benefit him while playing against 19 and 20-year-olds.

Bully ball

One thing Golden State’s fanbase has learned about Paschall is his strength. The New York native is already big in size that carries into a sense of physicality every time he touches the ball.

Paschall has registered high scoring totals throughout his rookie season, including two 30-point games. Yet, he hasn’t shot the ball well from deep. In Paschall’s top five scoring contests, he’s only made 10 shots from beyond the arc total.

In an All-Star game where other players may be camping around the three-point line to show off their long-distance shooting, Paschall could be in line to clean up points in the lane.


Pairing with off his physicality is Paschall’s eye for the aggressive dunk. Paschall athleticism is an underrated part of his game. Throughout his rookie year, Paschall has had multiple rim rocking dunks.

If Paschall can stuff the stat sheet using a veteran mindset and add one highlight-reel dunk, the Warriors rookie could be in line for some hardware.

Warriors rookie Eric Paschall selected for 2020 Rising Stars Challenge

The 41st overall pick in the 2019 NBA draft, Eric Paschall has been officially selected to the Rising Stars Challenge as a member of team USA.

A positive side to injuries ravaging the Golden State Warriors 2019-20 season has been the opportunity that’s opened up for players at the bottom of the roster. One player that’s benefitted the most from the Warriors depleted lineup is rookie, Eric Paschall.

Paschall was selected No. 41 overall in the second round of the NBA draft by the Warriors in 2019. High expectations don’t usually surround a second-round draft pick. However, Paschall quickly became one of the Warriors leading scorers at the start of the season.

The 23-year-old rookie is averaging 13.4 points and 4.7 rebounds in 26.9 minutes per game. For a period when D’Angelo Russell was injured, Paschall became Steve Kerr’s best offensive option, leading the Warriors in scoring seven times this season. Paschall has registered games with scoring totals of 34 and 30 points in his first NBA season. Paschall is tied for third with Atlanta’s De’Andre Hunter for total points scored by rookies with 590.

During the NBA’s 2020 All-Star weekend in Chicago, Paschall will receive some recognition for his productive rookie season. Paschall was selected to Team USA for the NBA’s Rising Star Challenge — an All-Star game for rookie and sophomore players. Paschall was voted in by NBA assistant coaches across the league.

The Villanova product is the first Warriors selected for the Rising Star Challenge since Harrison Barnes in 2014. Current Warriors’ Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson have also been previously selected for the challenge.

For now, Paschall will be the only member of the Golden State Warriors represented in Chicago, as the team did not have a player selected as a reserve or starter for the 2020 edition of the All-Star game.

The Rising Stars Challenge will take place on Friday, February 14, at the United Center in Chicago.