Russell Wilson’s new workout routine had everyone making the same Heavyweights joke

Russell Wilson found some Perkis Power with his latest workout routine.

Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson won’t have his lunch cancelled due to a lack of hustle.

The quarterback posted a video on Saturday of his offseason training regiment, opening with a very familiar side-to-side motion workout.

If Wilson’s gliding exercise look at all recognizable, it’s because it’s roughly the exact same one that Tony Perkis (Ben Stiller) used in Heavyweights as part of his Perkis System workout plan.

In the movie, Perkis has the campers of Camp Hope hop on the slide boards and glide along with him as they fumble around on the bizarre-looking exercise.

Is the Broncos quarterback channeling Perkis Power and borrowing from one of the funniest camp movies ever, or is this just a hilarious slide board coincidence?

Warning: NSFW language 

Wilson’s workout really does look like Heavyweights. Like it’s uncanny.

As you can imagine, the internet couldn’t not breakout the wonderful Heavyweights jokes. Forgive us the repetition, but it’s just too hilarious that everyone made the exact same joke.