Ohio State vs. Wisconsin complete preview and prediction

Everything you need to know to get ready for the Buckeyes vs. Wisconsin under the lights. #GoBucks

Ohio State passed major test No. 2 with a huge win over Penn State on Saturday. A dominating defensive performance put the college football world on notice that this isn’t the offense-only OSU teams of recent years. It was fun to see the Silver Bullets back.

Now on to significant test No. 3. While Wisconsin has lost a couple of games, lost its starting quarterback, and had to fight to the end for a victory over Illinois, playing a night game at Camp Randall will be no easy task. If the Buckeyes want their record to remain unblemished, they’d be wise not to look past the Badgers.

Time to get ready for Week 9 and a game under the lights in Madison! Here’s everything you need to know with our complete preview, complete with a prediction for Ohio State vs. Wisconsin on Saturday night.