Ohio State football updated and revised 2021 schedule

The Big Ten has announced updated schedules for football in 2021. Here is how it all affects when and where Ohio State will play.

The Big Ten has revised its football schedules for the 2021 season, and that obviously has a huge impact on Ohio State. By and large, the opponents and locations did not change, but things have been shuffled around a wee-bit with the dates of when those same teams are playing the Buckeyes. This is all on the tails of what happened last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, because we try to be good little stewards of this schedule update for you, we have the new timeline of events, times, and location for your reading, planning, and logistical consideration.

Here is the updated Ohio State football 2021 schedule with the old opposition in parentheses if applicable. Set your wedding dates and bar mitzvahs now and hope for a more normalized year this fall.