Ohio State 2021 NFL draft player breakdown – Jonathon Cooper

We look at the next player in our ramp up toward the NFL draft with defensive edge Jonathon Cooper, a pass-rush specialist with upside.

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Now that I have power back, yes my family is fine, we continue on with the scouting of the draft-eligible Ohio State Buckeyes for the 2021 NFL Draft. This time we look at defensive end Jonathon Cooper and his draft stock. A relentless defensive end but currently fairly one-dimensional.

Cooper projects as both a 3-4 or 4-3 end with the need of some focus on scheme to increase his effectiveness. He should find a home with a team due to his motor and tools but will need some work to be a viable three-down end. Let’s get into Cooper with his pros and cons.

NEXT … The positives to drafting Jonathon Cooper