Ohio State 2021 NFL draft breakdown – Tuf Borland

We’re scouting and examining Ohio State players eligible for the 2021 NFL draft. Next, we put linebacker Tuf Borland under the microscope.

We are continuing our look at Ohio State football players who are eligible for the 2021 NFL draft. Tuf Borland is one of those linebackers who flashes enough for a team to draft him, but frustrating enough to wonder how far he can really go. Borland will need to add size at the next level if he wants to find a permanent home or be more than a special teams contributor and depth player. He can find a role easily, but he will have to take another step.

Borland can play in both a 3-4 and a 4-3 scheme, so that adds some value to his stock. His ability to line up a ball carrier to tackle will help with special teams. He should get drafted, but will probably be a later round pick with a team looking for depth. Using him in the right way will help him stick to a team.

NEXT … The pros to drafting Tuf Borland