Miami Dolphins OC has high praise for Tua Tagovailoa

Miami Dolphins OC Chan Gailey offers some high praise for former Alabama QB Tua Tagovailoa as he heads into his rookie season.

Former Alabama star quarterback Tua Tagovailoa was one of the most talked about players heading into the 2020 NFL draft. Numerous teams were rumored to have interest in drafting him, but the Miami Dolphins secured the 2018 Heisman finalist with the No. 5 overall selection.

While Dolphins fans across the country rejoiced, one man was likely happier than the rest: Miami’s offensive coordinator Chan Gailey.

Gailey has an extensive coaching resume, ranging from different professional leagues and collegiate programs. The 2020 NFL season will be his first year back in the game after spending over three years retired. His last job was with the New York Jets in 2016 as an offensive coordinator.

In quotes obtained by the Palm Beach Post, Gailey spoke about Tagovailoa and what he hopes the you quarterback will accomplish with the franchise.

“You can see his leadership, his ability to throw the football, his touch, game management, all of that type of stuff,” Gailey said. “There were a bunch of good quarterbacks. We could have gotten one of several and we were very glad to get Tua.”

Gailey also believes that there is plenty of coaching to do with Tagovailoa and hopes to be the one that helps him grow into the NFL star many expect him to be.

“He’s going to develop quickly or slowly depending upon how much he grasps the offense and how quickly he comes and how he develops as a football player,” Gailey said. “A lot of that’s based on health. And so there’s a lot of factors in there. I hope I have a big impact on it. But you don’t ever know about that. You have to see how fast and how well a player comes on and then you see what he does. We’ll treat him just like we treat everybody else.”

While he looks to help Tagovailoa perfect his craft, Gailey understands that coaching can only do so much for a player. When it comes time to make an in-game decision, the rookie will be on his won.

“You look at the success he’s had,” Gailey said of Tagovailoa’s career at Alabama. “Obviously he’s a very good leader. You take all those great players that they had at Alabama, it’s got to come together on the field. You can do all the coaching you want but when they walk out there on the field the players play.”

Roll Tide Wire will keep you updated on Tua Tagovailoa as he enters his rookie season in the NFL with the Miami Dolphins.