Longhorns Wire Roundtable: When will Texas HC Tom Herman get the boot?

Each staff member predicts when Texas will move on from head coach Tom Herman.

Patrick Conn

Tuesday, Dec. 1. Plain and simple if you don’t believe that Tom Herman is your head coach then there is no reason to wait. Friday afternoon proved what I have already come to realize, he ain’t it. The Texas administration needs to go ahead and get in front of this. Remove Herman and focus on the next head coach. With the early signing period coming in a couple of weeks, the Longhorns need to get someone in place to start working on the transition class.

Cami Griffin

When you combine the struggles of game management, player development, questionable personnel use and the downfall in recruiting, it’s enough to move on from Tom Herman right away. However, I don’t feel confident that Texas will move on from him during the season. With that being said, Herman will likely get the boot as soon as the regular season ends. I don’t believe Herman will be with Texas as they prepare for their postseason bowl game this year.

Griffin McVeigh

One shouldn’t believe that they will make a midseason move at the head coaching position. If last year proved anything, it’s that Chris Del Conte will wait until the end of the year. Circle Dec. 13 on your calendars — that’s when I see this major change happening.