Garth Brooks fans confused his Barry Sanders jersey with a Bernie Sanders jersey, and lost it on him

People got confused by a “SANDERS 20” shirt and got very, very mad at Garth Brooks.

We live in a time where everything feels immediate and of the now. We are bombarded with news 24/7, and feel like we must instantly have an opinion on whatever is trending the latest.

So you can perhaps forgive fans of Garth Brooks who were astounded when he posted a photo of him wearing a jersey that said “SANDERS 20” on the back for a Detroit show. See: There is a man named Bernie Sanders who is running for president in 2020.

There is also the most famous football player in Detroit Lions history, Barry Sanders, who wore the number 20. One half second of thought should probably tell these people that Brooks wasn’t using his Detroit concert to offer an endorsement in the 2020 election, but instead just wearing a Barry Sanders jersey.

Some people did not give this a half second of thought. They lost it on Brooks, swearing him off for a presidential endorsement he almost certainly was not making.

Here’s the post:

And here are some of the comments from Instagram.

(Apparently Facebook had plenty as well.)


Anyway, people should look up Barry Sanders highlights. He was very good at football.

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