Five reasons Ohio State football wins a national title in 2020

Ohio State is officially into game week for the first time this fall. We give you five reasons the Buckeyes win a national title in 2020.

A motivated team

Talk to almost any player on Ohio State’s team and you’ll get the same story. The loss to Clemson last year in the desert left an extremely bad taste in almost every one of their mouths. And not the kind that is demotivating and depressive, but one that leads to a hunger to not let it happen again.

Obviously Justin Fields and Shaun Wade are driven from the experience because they were the two that were involved in the interception to seal things, but the rest of the team left some breaks and points on the field, and left that game knowing Ohio State was the better team, yet lost because the collective team didn’t take care of business at all times.

You saw it with the push to play from Fields and his teammates. You see it with the offseason workouts and leadership of the team. You even see it coming from the coaches as much as the players.

This team is hungry and driven to go out as national champions. The motivation and drive are there for some special things to happen. Special players plus special motivation equals social moments almost every time.

Look for 2020 to be special for Ohio State.

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