Detroit Lions Breakdown Podcast, episode 145: Free agency review

Detroit Lions Breakdown podcast, episode 145: “Free agency review”, is now available to download and listen.

This week on the Detroit Lions Breakdown Podcast, the guys review the first wave of the 2020 free agency period and answer listener’s questions surrounding the current status of the team.

The DLB podcast is a weekly conversation with Lions Wire’s own Erik Schlitt and his co-host Joe Kania.

This week, the guys discuss:

Be sure to follow the Detroit Lions Breakdown Podcast (@LionsBreakdown) and it’s hosts Schlitt (@Erikschlitt) and Kania (@JoeKania_DLB) on Twitter, with a Facebook page on the way.

The podcast is available to listen at the website and is also available to download and subscribe to on multiple podcast platforms, including Itunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, among others.