3 things we learned from Sean McDermott, post-roster cuts

Takeaways from Buffalo Bills head coach Sean McDermott following roster cuts.

Team personnel is more the forte of Bills general manager Brandon Beane. Following roster cuts over the weekend, Beane broke down the series of roster transactions the Bills went through over the past few days himself, but Buffalo head coach Sean McDermott gave some insight onto things from a coaching perspective as well,

Here are three things we learned from McDermott following roster cuts:

Bills head coach Sean McDermott. (James P. McCoy/The Buffalo News via AP, Pool)

Can’t give ’em an inch

Across the NFL this week, teams have already started to release their depth charts ahead of the season-opening weekend en route. Heck, Buffalo’s first opponent, the Jets, dropped theirs already. Throughout training camp, McDermott & the Bills have been on top of reports coming out of training camp. We didn’t see the reporting we are used to. In particular, mentions of the depth chart, we put on lock down.

Evidently there’s a Wednesday deadline for teams to release their depth charts.

For the Bills, the biggest question marks on their roster sit along the offensive line. Who’s playing where without Jon Feliciano in the lineup? We can speculate that Cody Ford will move from right tackle to fill in at guard, but then on the outside it could be a few different options such as Ty Nsekhe and Daryl Williams. We’ll find out the answers on Wednesday, it appears. When asked if the O-line depth chart has been settled, McDermott said he’s going to take this one to the finish line.

“I think we’ll know a bit more after practice today… I’ll get that to you guys on Wednesday,” McDermott said. “I’ll get that to you guys as soon as I can on Wednesday.”

But no worries, guys (and the Jets). We’re almost there.