2020 NFL Draft Team Rankings, All 32 From The College Perspective

Which NFL teams did the best and worst jobs? The 2020 NFL Draft team rankings of all 32 teams, from the college perspective.

1. Arizona Cardinals 2020 NFL Draft

– Seriously, where’s the unjustifiable call? Where’s the reach? Where’s the draft pick among just the six that doesn’t look right? Even in the seventh round, RB Eno Benjamin was an outstanding get. LB Evan Weaver in the sixth? He might lead the team in tackles if he’s asked to sit there on the inside and eat everything up. If one of the two fourth round defensive tackles works out, the draft is a massive success.

2020 Arizona Cardinals Draft Video
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– Isaiah Simmons is one of the three best players in this draft, and prospect-wise, he might be second behind Chase Young. It’s ridiculous that he fell to the eight. Merry Christmas, Arizona. Combine that with OT Josh Jones – a fringe first round prospect – falling to the third, and … boom.

– To nitpick, it would’ve been nice to come up with a young wide receiver. DeAndre Hopkins can’t do it all alone, and Kyler Murray could use as many options as possible.

Best Value Pick: OT Josh Jones, Houston (3rd)
Biggest Reach: (There isn’t one, but …) DT Rashard Lawrence, LSU (4th)
Late Flier That Could Work: LB Evan Weaver, Cal (6th)
2019 NFL Draft Ranking: 18
2018 NFL Draft Ranking: 5

2020 Arizona Cardinals Draft Class
1 LB Isaiah Simmons, Clemson
3 OT Josh Jones, Houston
4 DT Leki Fotu, Utah
4 DT Rashard Lawrence, LSU
6 LB Evan Weaver, Cal
7 RB Eno Benjamin, Arizona State

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