Winning Time fans are furious at the finale and shocking cancelation of the HBO series

This just stinks.

Some of the best moments in sports have been born out of witnessing history. So, it’s not shocking that HBO chronicled the 1980s “Showtime” era Los Angeles Lakers, who won five championships, turning their prolific run into Winning Time.

Based on a book by Jeff Pearlman, the series debuted in 2021 and was renewed for a second season a month after its debut. The star-studded cast included names like Jason Segel, Adrien Brody, Sally Field, John C. Reilly, and newcomers Solomon Hughes and Quincy Isaiah.

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Dedicated fans were in on the wild storylines, but the series battled lower-than-expected viewership numbers. Like many other shows, it has also been impacted by ongoing writers’ strikes.

Last month, Pearlman expressed his concerns over the canceled show, telling fans it needed more support.

Unfortunately, the series was canceled after two seasons, leaving fans with a less-than-pleasant ending to Sunday’s finale: a Boston Celtics championship. Ending a storyline on a bitter rival’s success did not sit well with fans.

Understandably, they are furious and saddened.

There’s no word yet if another network will pick the show up, but fans are already clamoring for another network to salvage the storyline.

If I know anything about good old-fashioned hate for your rivals, it can get a lot done.