Why Josh Gordon could end up playing for Seahawks next season

Former Seattle Seahawks receiver Josh Gordon is pondering a return to the Emerald City if he is able to get reinstated.

Wide receiver Josh Gordon might not be the Seattle Seahawks’ signing priority this offseason, but he could end up playing in the Emerald City in 2020.

A few days ago, Gordon expressed his interest in returning to play for the Seahawks, though he is under indefinite suspension by the league.

ESPN’s Jeremy Fowler attempted to clarify Gordon’s options Tuesday night.

“Commissioner Roger Goodell will oversee Gordon’s reinstatement attempt, during which the player must prove he’s making steady progress away from the field,” Fowler wrote. “Gordon, 28, is beholden to the old rules for reinstatement despite the more lenient drug policy under the league’s new collective bargaining agreement, which the players’ union ratified Sunday.”

After playing in five games with the Seahawks last season, Gordon, 28, was suspended in December for violating both the league’s drug and performance-enhancing substance policies. Gordon, a onetime All-Pro, has been suspended five times by the league in his career. He remains governed by the collective bargaining agreement that was in place at the time of his suspension, his sixth since the 2013 season.

Whether or not Gordon can return to the Seahawks — or the NFL at all — remains a huge question mark but something worth considering for Seattle.

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