What every Big Ten football team wants for the holidays, what they are likely to get

What every Big Ten football program wants for Christmas, and what they’re likely to get. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

‘Tis the season of holiday cheer and we’re spreading the goodwill here at Buckeyes Wire. We focus on Ohio State here at this free homer site, but we dabble into the entire league as well, and we thought it’d been fun to go through each Big Ten football program and identify the main thing on their wish list for the holidays, and what they are likely to get instead.

Remember, these are just for fun and it’s all just in jest, but we might also try and peer into the Christmas crystal ball a wee bit and see if we can predict some things as well.

And before we forget, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and everything in-between your friends at Buckeyes Wire.