Well known player advocate attorney Tom Mars files Freedom of Information Act request with Big Ten

Attorney Tom Mars has filed information requests with Big Ten member institutions to dig into Big Ten decision to postpone fall sports.

Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren has finally spoken after over a week of silence. As the league continued to crack at the foundations with player, parent, and administrator concerns over the lack of transparency and plan surrounding the postponement of the fall football season in 2020, we waited for reaction.

Warren finally released an open letter to the Big Ten community reiterating the stance to postpone the season to the spring, and a so-called final verdict that it will not be revisited.

That has now resulted in some action well known collegiate player advocate Tom Mars. We reported earlier this week on a piece from the Columbus Dispatch that showed Mars beginning to weigh in on the situation, and even speaking on behalf of some that were questioning how the decision was made.

Mars, who represented several players, including Justin Fields, in gaining waivers for immediate transfer eligibility, had previously said that getting lawyers involved in the process was not his desire. However, you had a feeling if this thing continued to gain momentum without Big Ten cooperation that things could change.

And change it has apparently.

According to Angelique Chengelis of the Detroit News, Mars has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with Michigan to gather further details around the decision to postpone fall sports. There are reportedly other FOIA requests that will be, or have already, been sent to the other Big Ten institutions.

In it, Mars asks for all-encompassing details that you can view below to try and foster more transparency about how everything was arrived at, and what drove the decision-making process.

“Because the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to the public’s understanding of the Big 10’s decision to cancel fall football, I request a waiver of all fees,” the request reads.

The Michigan Freedom of Information Act requires a response within five days, however, Mars also states that he understands the pandemic could hinder that timing in the letter.

This is an evolving story, and it’s probably just the beginning, but it’s clear Mars is representing someone of significance in pulling these strings here.