WATCH: Ryan Day appears on College Football Live to fight for 2020 season

Ohio State football head coach Ryan Day appeared on ESPN’s College Football Live Monday and fought for a 2020 college football season.

It took until the afternoon yesterday for us to hear from Ohio State head coach Ryan Day, but when he spoke, it was loud, direct, and with purpose.

After the rumors and speculation got more and more real about the potential loss or postponement of the 2020 college football season, Day threw down the gauntlet with a Tweet vowing to fight for his players. It didn’t stop there either. Day appeared on a segment on ESPN’s College Football Live to continue beating the drum for a college football season and called any cancellation of the season “abrupt.”

He again promised to fight for his team to do everything in his power to have games to play, no matter what that looks like, even entertaining playing in other conferences if it came to it.

Day left no doubt where Ohio State stands on the matter, and came off as a real advocate for continuing to reason and prudence on trying to figure out a way to have college football this fall.

You can watch the entire segment with Day, by clicking on the below video shared by ESPN.

It’s great to see a head coach speak out and call for a regathering of the minds in the midst of so many unknowns. We’re not advocating for ramming a college football season in at all costs, but there has to be a way to get everyone on the same page, examine all possibilities, and come out with a clear path and plan forward.