WATCH: Ohio State center Josh Myers, other Big Ten players discuss heartbreak of lost season

Ohio State football center Josh Myers appeared in an ESPN video and expressed his disappointment in not being able to play in the fall.

You can message it any way you’d like. The fact that the Big Ten has made the decision to postpone the fall football season to the spring is a lost opportunity for Ohio State players and any other that plays in the conference and Pac-12.

And yeah, it’s a tough one because really the pandemic is more to blame than league commissioner Kevin Warren, but it’s also mind-boggling, confusing, and hopeless that three other Power Five conferences are still moving forward with a season.

So left in the wake of inconsistent policies and decision-making across the landscape of college football, there are a slew of college football players that are left with despair and anger at the position they are left in, while others get to continue their dreams this year.

Ohio State center Josh Myers and some other players appeared in a video produced by ESPN, discussing the disappointment of a lost opportunity in 2020.

“This was supposed to be an incredible year for us — this was supposed to be a national championship for us,” Myers told ESPN. “This was supposed to be the year that everything we dreamed of came true.”

Myers, like many others questioned how other conferences can make the decision to play, while he and his teammates sit on the sidelines watching others and wondering what could have been. Especially when the protocols and monitoring in place at a big-time college atmosphere creates a safer environment.

“It’s so hard for me as a player having everyone else playing their sports, you know, and then we’re just not,” Myers said… “I’m more comfortable playing a football season than I am going into a classroom personally because I don’t know where those people have been. I know where my teammates have been.”

Not lost in all of this too are the impacts a lost season can have on several of the bigger name student-athletes at a place like Ohio State.

“This college football season for me has huge ramifications on the outcome of my life and what I want to do in my career,” said Myers. “So, having that taken away is so frustrating. I feel like I should be able to have that choice for myself.”

You can watch the entire short video production below thanks to the Twitter profile of ESPN College Football.

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We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. There’s no good answer here, but it’s hard to fathom a world where parents and college football players don’t have the ability to make this type of decision on their own.


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