WATCH: Denzel Ward calls those impacted by COVID-19 to pay largest monthly expense

Former Ohio State and current Cleveland Browns DB Denzel Ward broke the news of monetary assistance for 21 people impacted by COVID-19.

The number of people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow by the day. Be it physical, mental, financially, or all three, it’ll take a while for this country to come out of the fog it’s been thrust into because of a health crisis many didn’t see coming.

Luckily, there are those out there that want, can, and do help. Take former Ohio State defensive back, turned Cleveland Brown Denzel Ward for example. His Make Them Know Your Name Foundation offered to help offset costs for those in need because of the pandemic.

He has picked out 21 individuals to offer to pay their biggest monthly expense. To make the deal even sweeter, now that it’s time to make good on his promise, Ward made a few calls to break the good news to some of those recipients.

Click on the below video shared to the Twitter profile of @MTKYN_ and watch as Ward introduced himself and lets each know the aid that will be coming their way.

Good on you Ward. He might be an NFL star but he hasn’t forgotten where he came from. These types of things make you believe in humanity again.


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