Video: Ray Leonard says Roberto Duran punched him hardest

In this episode of “Boxing with Chris Mannix,” Sugar Ray Leonard speaks in detail about both of his fights with Roberto Duran.

Sugar Ray Leonard experienced the first setback of his career against Roberto Duran in their classic first fight in June 1980 in Montreal.

Leonard allowed the fiery Panamanian to goad him into a brawl, which didn’t serve him well. The fight was competitive but Duran emerged with a close decision to take Leonard’s welterweight title.

In the “No Mas” rematch, five months later in New Orleans, Leonard frustrated Duran with his movement and taunting to such a degree that the champion quit in the eighth round.

In this episode of “Boxing with Chris Mannix,” Leonard speaks in detail about both of those fights with Duran.

One take away from the first meeting: “I’ve never been hurt as much by a fighter in my career as Duran.”

Here’s what Leonard had to say, courtesy of DAZN.

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