Urban Meyer has high praise for former Ohio State players Haskins, McLaurin, Young, now on the Washington Redskins

Urban Meyer took some time with Redskins.com to discuss the former Ohio State trio of Dwayne Haskins, Terry McLaurin, and Chase Young.

Urban Meyer’s comments on Redskins’ QB Dwayne Haskins

On Dwayne Haskins’ meteoric rise in college

“[They – Ryan Day and Mark Pantoni, Director of Player Personnel] said we needed to start looking at quarterbacks and transfers because of Dwayne,” Meyer told Redskins.com. “I said, ‘Well, where’s Dwayne going?’ and they said the NFL. I said ‘you’ve got to be kidding me. He’s only been a starter for five games.'”

On Haskins’ development

“The only thing he (Haskins) lacked was maturity and experience, and that’s coming,” Meyer said.

Next … Meyer’s comments on Terry McLaurin