Twitter users roasted the United States Space Force for calling themselves ‘guardians’

They will be guardians…of the galaxy. Get it?

The United States Space Force—which, I’ll be honest, I still can’t believe is a thing—announced Friday afternoon that their service members would henceforth be known as guardians.

Just like we call their military brethren soldiers, airmen, sailors or Marines, Space Force members will be guardians of the galaxy, which would be cool, if it weren’t already the name of a pop culture franchise known for a talking raccoon and a sentient tree.

The announcement, which sounds like a parody of a parody, was roundly ridiculed on social media. Frankly, you can’t type something like “A Name Chosen by Space Professionals, For Space Professionals” and not expect people to dunk all over it.

The Space Force logo already looks like the Star Trek insignia and they’re going around calling themselves guardians. All it does it make you wonder which IP franchise they’re going to steal from next.