Tommy Rees grows mustache amid pressure from Notre Dame quarterbacks

What do you think of this ‘stache?

I personally never have been a fan of facial hair. I can’t go more than a day without shaving. Even if I decided I wanted to grow a beard, I wouldn’t have the patience to put up with the itchiness that comes with it. That’s why in this regard, I’m glad I’m not Tommy Rees.

Per a tweet from Matt Freeman of Irish Sports Daily, Notre Dame’s offensive coordinator was “bullied” by his quarterbacks to grow a mustache. Here is the result:

It’s not a bad mustache at all. In fact, it fits the Chicago-area native well. All that’s missing is those goofy sunglasses and Bears attire, and he would fit right in with the Superfans. The only question is if he could nail that stereotypical Chicago accent.

All of this said, I’m still not going to grow anything out. Beards and mustaches might work for some people, but they just are not for me. If Rees ends up keeping his mustache throughout the season, good for him. Just hand me my razor.