This Nets-Raptors game 2 sequence was hilariously bad and NBA fans had so many jokes

This is SO bad.

NBA basketball in August is a very weird thing for viewers, so it probably feels the same way for the players.

Especially after not playing in actual NBA basketball games for months at a time. Coming back from that can’t be easy. It’s only natural that there’d be a bit of rust — even after the NBA’s eight seeding games.

But, uh, nobody expected THIS much rust to be in this sequence from the Raptors-Nets game.

In the second quarter, the game was tight and the Nets had the lead. All of a sudden, it looked like literally no one could score. It was as if the basketball Gods had put lids on the rims.

It was comically bad. Like, fam. Is this LA Fitness again? It was non-stop garbage basketball. And also non-stop cackling for fans.

It was so bad that it got picked up on Shaqin’ a Fool.

NBA fans came with SO many jokes. And they were all golden.

Hilarious. The Raptors picked up steam and eventually won the game, 104-99. But still, even if it was just for a moment, NBA players were finally looking like one of us.