These videos of a billion fireworks being shot off in Los Angeles are absolutely wild


The city of Los Angeles, like many cities across the country, cancelled all the annual fireworks displays that usually light up the sky on the 4th of July. With coronavirus numbers spiking just about everywhere, getting large groups of people together just isn’t the smart thing to do.

So did that mean there weren’t any fireworks shot off in the city last night? No, of course not.

Instead of professional firework shows there were about a billion (give or take) illegal fireworks shot into the sky by normal people who were looking to have some fun.

And it was absolutely bananas. Check out these videos:

I mean, that looks like it was CGI’d or something. But nope, it was real and it was spectacular.

It was illegal, too, but whatever. It’s the 4th of July and we’ve been through some stuff the past four months or so.

Hopefully this puts an end to fireworks in LA for a while, though, because they have been going off every night for like the past month and we are over the nightly noises!

But last night was cool.