The reunion photo for Disney+’s new ‘Mighty Ducks’ show made everyone feel so old

We’re all old now.

If you’re a millennial sports fan who grew up in the U.S., odds are you’ve watched The Mighty Ducks trilogy — yes, including that awful third movie — multiple times.

You probably knew about Iceland from D2: The Mighty Ducks before it became the cool place to visit for Instagram in 2017. You probably wanted the Anaheim Ducks to bring back the Mighty Ducks uniforms permanently just for nostalgia. I know all that applied to me.

But man, it’s tough to imagine that the characters from that childhood classic — which Steven Ruiz has since destroyed — could grow up and age like regular, human people.

Well, it happened.

Ahead of the debut of The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers on Disney+, Entertainment Weekly unveiled a reunion photo from some of the original cast members who will appear in the show. I learned that Fulton Reed grew up to be Foggy from Netflix’s Daredevil.

Everyone else on Twitter learned that we’re all very old now.

Our childhoods are officially over.