The NCAA’s three-phase plan for sports to return

The NCAA has a press release that details a three-phase plan for sports to return.

Phase Two

In phase two of the plan, the regulations seem to loosen up a bit which should be expected in a three phase plan. Vulnerable individuals should continue to observe shelter in place guidlines.

Those who are vulnerable should continue to be isolated in order to avoid contracting the coronavirus.

Once again, physical distancing should continue to be practiced. The social gatherings would allow more than 10 people in a specific area.

The plan calls for limiting gatherings of 50 people without using precautions such as sanitation and physical distancing.

Much like phase one, gyms, locker rooms and team facilities should remain closed unless appropriate distancing and sanitation guidelines are implemented. Also virtual meetings should continue to be utilized during this time.

Non essential travel may now be resumed under phase two of the plan.