The most unstoppable NFL player in every modern edition of Madden

These NFL stars were basically cheat codes.

Soon enough, we will have yet another (meagerly) edition of Madden — the popular video game franchise (in dire need of new artistic direction).

But even if the mainline games could desperately use healthier development cycles, Madden itself has become a football institution. Fans who watch all the action every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday often use the latest edition as a way to keep tabs on the season at home. There’s a reason it’s released every August on the eve of another long NFL campaign.

If you’ve played Madden in any capacity before, you understand that some players simply resemble terrifying cheat codes. These are studs who make picking their team in a standard one-on-one “against the rules” in due time.

MORE: Every Madden NFL cover star since 2000.

With Madden 24 now just around the bend, here’s a look at the most unstoppable (and/or most popular) player in every modern edition of the game. Modern, in this case, being circa 1999. Note: There is a heavy skew toward offensive players.

If you wanted better defensive representation, watch the actual games for a fix. No one talks about Madden for defense.