Texas head coach Steve Sarkisian relives Red River with Texas Alumni

Sarkisian relived the 2022 Red River game with Dallas alumni on Wednesday.

The Texas Fight Tour is underway as Texas head coach Steve Sarkisian is rallying the troops for another season of Longhorns football. It appears he’s having a good time.

On Wednesday, he reminisced on the one-sided event with Texas alumni present in Dallas. Sarkisian opened with, “49-0, was that sweet?” According to Danny Davis of the Austin American-Statesman, he then shared that he relished seeing a half-empty Cotton Bowl in the second half after Sooners fans headed toward the exits.

Sarkisian has plenty to accomplish at Texas, but his offensive Red River performances have certainly lived up to standard. His team is averaging 48.5 points against the Sooners in his two rivalry appearances. Frankly, if he wanted to score more last season the average would be a lot higher.

The annual matchup between Texas and Oklahoma is monumental to both fan bases, and certainly the talking point Sarkisian should want to discuss in his tenure so far.

To be sure, he will need to win more than that game to have a long tenure in Austin. Nevertheless, if you can perform well in one regular season game every year, he’s wise to come ready to compete with the Sooners.