Terry McLaurin delivers message all young people should take to heart

This is a great message that anyone striving for a dream or goals can take to heart. #GoBucks

Hard work.

That can be an overused cliché in many areas of life, but if you really believe it and put it into practice — really put it into practice — some magical things can happen in your life.

I mean look at Mr. Sportswriter here. I graduated from college with a Business Administration degree, toiled in that arena for a long time, then had someone tell me as I was working on letters to gain sponsorships for a local sports marketing company in Westerville, Ohio, that I had some talent for writing.

From there, I asked a question to College Football News, began writing for free, slaving on a side hustle, and here I am with USA TODAY banging out articles for a team I’ve followed all of my life, Ohio State. But it took work and continues to take a lot of work.

Terry McLaurin knows the value of hard work too. He recently signed a new contract with the Washington Commanders and was asked about his dream of playing in the NFL. Instead of giving a short answer, he went into a positive message that any young person should take and really, really listen to.

Watch and listen below as McLaurin talks about where he came from, surrounding himself with a great support system, and how hard work got him where he is today in the face of all of life’s challenges.

I honestly can’t think of a better way of summing up how most people become successful in this life and this country. Sure, there are built-in advantages for some — and a lot more for others — but most people don’t just ride the curtails of someone else after falling out of bed each morning and reach lofty dreams.

Have a dream, make a plan, surround yourself with good people, and go work hard. That sounds like a winning recipe to me.

Good on McLaurin for taking the time to spit this sermon out there.

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