Ten of Ohio State’s biggest villain personalities in recent memory

People love to hate on Ohio State. Put that with a fan base that is very proud and you get some personalities considered program villains.

Desmond Howard

Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Howard is the anti-Herbstreit. He’s got a job on ESPN and he’s supposed to be impartial, yet he can’t hide his allegiances to his alma mater. He always thinks Michigan has the better team going into The Game despite the Buckeyes winning 15 of the last 16 — the last two in blowout variety. Even last year, he had one of the most horrible takes proclaiming Michigan as “the better” team at that moment going into the contest in Ann Arbor. Sixty game minutes later, and after a 56-27 beatdown, there was no doubt which team was clearly more talented. Doing the Heisman pose in the endzone against Ohio State in 1991 doesn’t help things either.

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