Zack Snyder’s Darkseid photo doesn’t mean his ‘Justice League’ cut will be good

The movie comes out on HBO Now in 2021

Snyder fans, you were right.

After sending just one, single tweet, Zack Snyder’s unreleased cut of the Justice League movie is already so much better than the original 2017 version.

This morning, Snyder sent a tweeted out what seems to be a preview thumbnail from his cut of the Justice League movie set to debut on HBO Now in 2021.

It was a picture of Darkseid — one of the most diabolical, yet captivating, villains in DC Comic lore. He’s one of the main foils of the Justice League. His alien species is classified as “New God” and, if that isn’t terrifying enough, he’s bent on destroying all sentient life across the universe. Basically, he’s Thanos but way worse.

This picture of Darkseid and his intergalactic army sends absolute shivers down your spine as a DC Comics fan.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Seeing this picture and knowing that there is a Justice League movie coming with Darkseid in it is probably going to be the highlight of my week.

But at the same time, it’s so hard for me to actually get excited about this movie.

We’ve got to be honest about DC Comics and their cinematic universe. To this point? It hasn’t been good. And that’s putting it kindly. Their hits since the Dark Knight trilogy have come so few and far between.

Maybe the most critically acclaimed one, Jokerisn’t even a part of their main cinematic universe structure. Out of the ones that are, Wonder Woman is probably the best of them. And that was from 2017.

The original cut of the Justice League film that also came out in 2017 was, maybe, the worst film yet. Snyder was originally the director of the film but he stepped away after the untimely passing of his daughter. The film was passed on to Joss Whedon, but Snyder maintains that the product we saw was not true to the version of the movie originally intended to create.

So there’s hope for this film to be good. But as a DC Comics fan, still, you’ve been burned enough to know not to get your hopes up. After all, this is the same team that came up with the fantastic idea of giving us the B-Side cut of this movie in the first place.

Now, four years later, we’re getting the right version of this? I don’t know, bruh. Something feels off.

This movie can certainly be good — I hope it is! But I’m just not holding my breath.